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Recommenations of the external evaluation of the Polytech Site visit.

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1 Recommenations of the external evaluation of the Polytech Site visit

2 Management, Vision, Mission Create documents on development strategy of the institution and set development priorities in a more active way than in the past. Quality management of a HEI in the first place means defining goals. Afterwards is checking of the results of course self-evident. A suggestion is to use a quality framework (mission, vision, strategic goals, operational goals, activity plans …) on different levels of the institution. More concrete plans are necessary.

3 Study Programs Lower quotas at part-time professional study of nursing and enrol a lower number of students every year. In other words, it is necessary to make enrolment plan for part-time study programme in nursing more transparent and adapt it to staff and space conditions. Develop undergraduate professional study in midwifery, but not at the level of specialist study programme considering there is a huge demand in Croatia for midwives with bachelor qualification. This undergraduate study should be developed first, and if it runs successfully it should be upgraded to a higher level. Development of study programmes should be in line with the needs of society. Prove that the learning outcomes are in line with the framework of the European Higher Education Area. Reduce the number of the undergraduate programmes.

4 Students and Studying Improve student standard. Maintain good mentorship system and good contacts with the students.

5 Teachers and Teaching Create a plan of pedagogical and professional training of teachers (internal and external professional improvement plan) and their advancement. Study programmes, courses, the teaching and the assessment must be more competence based in accordance with the proposed learning outcomes Stimulate the use of new teaching and learning methods. Establish commission for monitoring and improving the quality of teaching Work on better web pages of teachers.

6 Scientific and Professional Activities Encourage creation of research groups. Try to harmonize teaching workload and research. Encourage young teachers and students to get involved in calls for proposals of Croatian and international foundations in order to increase funds for scientific and professional research. Pay attention to scientific methodology and literature in the curriculum.

7 International Activity University of Applied Health Studies should continue with the positive trend of sending own teachers for training and visits at foreign institutions. Encourage international student exchange at all professional study programmes. Get involved in EU programmes (for instance Erasmus programme) promoting exchange of students and teachers. Establish the office for international cooperation.

8 Space and Equipment Intensify activities on the construction of new building with the intention to centralize the teaching and research activities. Create a virtual library systems (E-journals, E books)

9 Monitoring Study Quality Involve student representative in the Committee for monitoring teaching quality. This Committee can set up a structured quality management system. Use Deming PDCA.

10 Final Recommendation (1) University of Applied Health Studies should develop a strategy for the future structural and pedagogical development and set own priorities. Development of study programs should be in line with the needs of the stakeholders. University of Applied Health Studies should adapt the number of study programmes and enrolment quotas to its teaching capacity and needs of the market.

11 Final Recommendation (2) International cooperation achieved so far should be improved. Efforts should be invested in developing research potential of the University of Applied Health Studies. Pedagogical and professional training of teachers as well as their advancement should be more strongly encouraged in order to further monitoring and implementation of modern teaching and learning methods and research programmes. University of Applied Health Studies should make a clear plan in that regard. It is recommended to establish a committee for ) monitoring and improving quality of teaching.

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