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Martin Luther: Man of Genuine Saving Faith Presentation By: Jenna Lee, Anoush Ghorghorian.

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Luther: Man of Genuine Saving Faith Presentation By: Jenna Lee, Anoush Ghorghorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Luther: Man of Genuine Saving Faith Presentation By: Jenna Lee, Anoush Ghorghorian

2 An Imperfect Believer

3 Martin Luther November 10, 1483 German Educated Passionate Genuinely saved

4 Martin Luther’s Journey to God During childhood, he feared God “Point of no Return” Doctorate in Theology 2 simple Bible verses – Psalm 22:1, Romans 1:17.

5 Martin Luther the Reformer 95 Theses posted on the Wittenberg Church door. Roman Catholic Protestant Portrait of Pope Leo X Luther Posting 95 Theses

6 Roman Catholic Vs. Protestant Mass in liturgical fashion Emphasis on symbols, ceremonies, and rituals Bible contains the Apocrypha “Katholikos” Confession Booth.

7 Supremacy of the Bible Salvation through faith alone Universal priesthood of believers Five Solas Roman Catholic Vs. Protestant

8 Trails and Temptations/ Death of Magdalena and Elisabeth Busy Life Seeing Other Women The Will of God “You would like to stay here with me, your father, but are you also willing to go to that other father, or not?” Luther (1542)

9 Suffering Kidney stones Headaches Ear Infections Constipation Hemorrhoids

10 Hearing and Doing Hearing God’s wishes Following them Through

11 Reference to Scripture Advise people using Scripture “Paul made no distinction….I can’t make a law for you. I simply point to Scriptures. There it is written. Read it for yourself. I don’t know what more I can do.” Luther

12 Untamed Tongue/Wrath Very passionate man Always angry Hated the Jewish people Hated the Pope “Against the Jews and their Lies” -1543

13 Completed Works German Catechism, Small Catechism (1529) Against Hans Wurst (1541) Against the Papacy of Rome, Founded by the Devil (1545) Volume of first 8 hymns (1524) “I have thrown ink at Satan”

14 Quote Game

15 First I shake the whole Apple tree, that the ripest might fall. Then I climb the tree and shake each limb, and then each branch and then each twig, and then I look under each leaf.

16 It is enough, I have worked myself to death. For one person, I have done enough. I’ll go lie down in the sand and sleep now. It’s is over for me, except for just an occasional little whack at the pope.

17 We must dare good and evil with our brothers, and like comrades…..endure the bitter with the sweet. God will be able to find his own, even in death.

18 Any Questions?

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