Warszawa - Malinówka n. Ełk - Regional Forest Directorate Białystok - Warszawa September 3-5, 2007 IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 „Norway spruce provenances and.

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Presentation on theme: "Warszawa - Malinówka n. Ełk - Regional Forest Directorate Białystok - Warszawa September 3-5, 2007 IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 „Norway spruce provenances and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warszawa - Malinówka n. Ełk - Regional Forest Directorate Białystok - Warszawa September 3-5, 2007 IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 „Norway spruce provenances and breeding” IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 „Norway spruce provenances and breeding” Organized by: IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 General Directorate of State Forests, Warszawa Agricultural University of Krakow Department of Forest Trees Breeding Forest Research Institute, Warszawa Announcement 1

2 General Subject Norway spruce in the conservation of forest ecosystems in Europe Topics 1.Variability and genetic breeding value of spruce provenances in provenance trials 2.Role of spruce in forest ecosystems. Current state of species protection. Programmes for selection and gene pool conservation 1.Genetic polymorphism of spruce. Genetic markers Organization 1 day for scientific presentations 2 days for field trips to forest stands of the Regional Forest Directorate Białystok Language Conference language: English Tentative Programme Date September 3-5, 2007


4 Prof. Stefan Zajączkowski, President of the Polish Committee for Collaboration with IUFRO Prof. Janusz Sabor, IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 Eng. Wojciech Fonder, M.Sc., General Directorate of State Forests Eng. Jan Matras, M.Sc., Forest Research Institute Eng. Piotr Zbrożek, M.Sc., Director of the Regional Forest Directorate, Białystok Norway Spruce in the Conservation of Forest Ecosystems in Europe Eng. Andrzej Matysiak, M.Sc., General Director of State Forests Prof. Janusz Żmija, Rector of the Agricultural University of Krakow Prof. Gabriela Lorenc-Plucińska, Director of the Institute of Dendrology (Polish Academy of Sciences) Patronage

5 Prof. Jarosław Burczyk Prof. Władysław Barzdajn Prof. Władysław Chałupka Tomasz Dziemidek, PhD Eng. Wojciech Fonder, M.Sc. Prof. Andrzej Lewandowski Eng. Jan Matras, M.Sc. Prof. Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowicz Prof. Wiesław Prus-Głowacki Prof. Janusz Sabor Prof. Stefan Zajączkowski Prof. Henryk Żybura Programme Council Eng. Urszula Zabrodzka, M.Sc., General Directorate of State Forests Jan Kowalczyk, PhD, Forest Research Institute Eng. Anna Faber, M.Sc., Department of Forest Trees Breeding, AU Krakow Jacek Banach, PhD, Department of Forest Trees Breeding, AU Krakow Eng. Jarosław Ćwik, Regional Forest Directorate, Białystok Secretary Assistants

6 1.Information about the achievements of the Polish forest genetics in the selection and conservation of gene resources. 2.Formulation of the rules for the conservation of forest ecosystems with spruce in Europe. 3.Assessment of the feasibility of restituting endangered tree stands, and improving stability of and conserving the most valuable mountain and lowland forest ecosystems. 4.Intensification of the international exchange within the IUFRO W.P. S 2.02.11 „Norway spruce provenances and breeding”.

7 Warsaw Agricultural University, Faculty of Forestry, 159 Nowoursynowska St., 02-776 Warsaw 10-12 Opening session 12 Tour to the Wyszków Forest District. Seed and commercial stands 13-14 Lunch 15 Departure to the Knyszyn Forest District 17-18 Spruce provenance plots - IUFRO 1972 18 Arrival in the Training-Recreation Centre of State Forests in Malinówka/Ełk. Postal code 19-300, Phone: 48(87)619 66 965 20:30 Dinner September 3, 2007 (MONDAY)

8 8-10 Scientific Session (8 reports) Topic 1. Variability and genetic breeding value of spruce provenances in provenance trials - Chairman: Prof. Władysław Chałupka 10-10:30 Coffee break 10:30-13:00 Scientific Session (7 reports) Topic 2. Role of spruce in forest ecosystems. Current state of species protection. Programmes for selection and gene pool conservation - Chairman: Prof. Władysław Prus-Głowacki 13-15:15 Lunch 15:15-15:45 Topic 2, cont. (2 reports) 15:45:16 Coffee break 16:18 Scientific Session (8 reports) Topic 3. Genetic polymorphism of spruce. Genetic markers 18-19 Information and poster session (16 reports) 19 Dinner September 4, 2007 (TUESDAY)

9 7:30 Departure for the Gołdap Forest District. Visits to approved seed stands, progeny plantations and windbreak areas of spruce 14:00 End of Conference 15 Dinner. Departure by bus for Warszawa Opportunity to attend the IUFRO European Regional Conference on Forestry in the Context of European Regional Development, September 6-8, 2007. Conference will be held at the Warsaw Agricultural University, Faculty of Forestry, 02-776 Warszawa, 159 Nowoursynowska St. (campus) or: Trip to the Białowieża National Park (for those interested) September 5, 2007 (WEDNESDAY) Touring trip

10 Equipment and media Projector (slides, video, audio), laptop, beamer, flip chart Call for papers and posters The Organizing Committee invites abstracts for papers and posters to be presented as part of the scientific conference. Please provide an abstract including the title, name of the author with affiliation, and 3 key words (size one DIN A4 page, English preferred) as a digital file. Please use Times New Roman, 12pt and the "Word" format (MS Office 97 or MS Office 2000). Publications The organizers are arranging a peer review process for a special issue. Additionally, all contributions (oral and poster presentations) accepted in their final version will be included in CD-ROM Proceedings as extended abstracts.

11 Important date 15 July - deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for CD-ROM Proceedings Registration Please use the registration form enclosed.




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