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Hosted by Ms. Erickson 100 200 400 300 400 ConstitutionThe coloniesEarly Government Random 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Ms. Erickson

3 100 200 400 300 400 ConstitutionThe coloniesEarly Government Random 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 This group helps advise the president The cabinet

5 1,2 This crop was an important source of income in Virginia. Tobacco

6 1,3 This branch of government creates laws The Legislative Branch

7 1,4 This was the major killer of Native Americans Disease

8 2,1 Checks and balances affect three branches, what checks the Executive branch? Impeachment

9 2,2 This colonist believed in religious freedom. Roger Williams

10 2,3 The second president of the United States was… John Adams

11 2,4 The Battle of Fallen Timbers helped to secure land west to… The Mississippi river

12 3,1 This man is the “Father of the Constitution” James Madison

13 3,2 Where was the first permanent English colony? Jamestown, Virginia

14 3,3 The Articles of Confederation were unsuccessful because they were lacking these important government positions. Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, collect taxes

15 3,4 A declaration of neutrality was issued by the Americans during which European conflict? The French Revolution

16 4,1 Why were the Anti-Federalists weary of the constitution? There was no Bill of Rights

17 4,2 The Proclamation of 1763 Prohibited colonists from doing what? Expand west of Appalachian mountains.

18 4,3 How did President Jefferson change the military while he was president? He reduced the size

19 4,4 These people belonged to the educated upper class The Gentry

20 5,1 This document stated that government get their rights to govern by the consent of the governed. The Declaration of Independence

21 5,2 What region benefited from the 3/5 Compromise? The South

22 5,3 These laws targeted immigrants, and people who spoke out against the government. Alien and Sedition Acts

23 5,4 This Group organized the Boston Tea Party Sons of Liberty

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