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Research Group nr 4 Jeffrey Scheidelaar Richelle Koreneef Caroline Kilg Masha Loutanina.

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Presentation on theme: "Research Group nr 4 Jeffrey Scheidelaar Richelle Koreneef Caroline Kilg Masha Loutanina."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research Group nr 4 Jeffrey Scheidelaar Richelle Koreneef Caroline Kilg Masha Loutanina

2 Our research Elderly vs. Technology Reference (what’s on the market) Target audience Design choices within applied games

3 Elderly vs. technology Buttons are important Not too many different options Technology from their youth works best

4 Reference Dancetown The walk Familiegeheimen Tai chi ball

5 Target Audience Lenie Buurmans 83 years old Living in Hilversum Has 4 children Has 7 grandchildren Lives independently at home with her husband Gerrit. Receives visit of her grandchildren once a month. Hobby’s: Readin, playing a puzzle / game, cycling, taking a walk, gardening. Favorite activities with her (grand)children: Chatting, playing a (board) game, cooking and taking a walk. Often found in her free time at: Home, supermarket, visiting friends and relatives. “Just act normal, that’s already crazy enough”

6 A day in the life Lenie is an athletic woman that tries to live her daily life as active as possible. She wakes up every day early to start her excersizes and prepares breakfast after her shower. After breakfast she wash the dishes as Gerrit reads the morning paper. Before it hits noon Lenie runs some groceries and chats with the familiar faces she meets in the supermarket. Back at home she reads a book, plays a puzzle, or if the weather is nice, cycles a round. Later on the day she receives or goes off visiting friends and relatives and make sure she’s back home at 4 pm to start making dinner. After dinner she wash the dishes and watches TV before going to bed. In bed she sometimes read a book before sleeping. Gets up Does grocery shopping Reads a book, does a crosswords puzzle Maybe rides her bike Visitors come or she visits someone Make dinner Go to bed

7 Design choices High contrast, clear colours schemes or realistic Simple interfaces, often grey, Often letters or words instead of symbols Puzzle games or physical games Progress reports Little or no storyline

8 Questions?

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