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1 Compare Versions of MS Project File Guy Gaudreault, PMP MPA – Montreal Chapter October 11, 2006.

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1 1 Compare Versions of MS Project File Guy Gaudreault, PMP MPA – Montreal Chapter October 11, 2006

2 2 Introduction  During planning phase, we need to collaborate and there are multiple schedule iterations before the final version  It is difficult to control what changed or not  Different techniques are used to track changes:  Change font color  Use custom field to identify changes  Print information and compare line by line  Etc.  It is not very effective and it is time consuming

3 3 Toolbar Overview  The “compare versions” toolbar allows versions comparison of the same project file  It displays information in a detailed and customized report  It works with MS Project 2000, 2002, 2003(standalone & server mode)  If the toolbar is not displayed, on the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click Compare Project Versions.  If the toolbar is not part of your MS Project installation, you can download it at the Microsoft download centerMicrosoft download center

4 4 Compare which Information ?  The toolbar compares information that is accessible in task or resource tables  Ex: duration, % completed, resource standard rate, custom fields (task & resource), etc.  Assignments are not compared  It also identifies line additions and deletions  Sorting, filtering and grouping do not affect comparison

5 5 Benefits  Simple and easy to use  A few clicks and you get the comparison report  Customizable  The user decides which information he wants to compare  Automatic report generation  Color coding and indicators provide information about changes

6 6 Step by Step 1. Open the two versions of your project that you want to compare 2. Click the “compare versions” icon in the toolbar 3. Choose the project versions you want to compare 1. Project version 1 = earlier version 2. Project version 2 = later version 4. Choose the tables to be used in the comparison 1. Select a task table and/or resource table 5. Click OK and a temporary project file is created to display the tasks and resources of both versions 6. Analyze the changes  Pre-defined filters facilitate changes analysis

7 7 Demo – Compare Versions Comparison toolbar Earlier version Later version Changes Line deleted Line added

8 8 Demo – Comparison Panel Choose the earlier version Choose the later version Choose the task and/or resource table Note: the comparison tables are taken for the later version. It is not necessary to have the identical tables in earlier version

9 9 Demo – Comparison Report Color code and indicators Pre-defined filters Select information to display Task information Resource information

10 10 Tips  Create custom table that will be used specifically for comparison analysis  When a line is inserted, it modifies the task ID and the predecessor & successor numbers  By comparing the unique ID predecessor & successor, you reduce the quantity of changes to analyze  Use the toolbar for “what if scenario”

11 11 Special Notes  Comparison report resembles, but is not, a project schedule. It does not contain the scheduling features of Microsoft Project  You cannot compare projects that are opened in Internet Explorer or embedded as an OLE object in another document  Schedule size impacts processing time

12 12 Thank You !  Questions ?  Contact

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