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Sketchbook Activity #1 Free writing… For at least 5 minutes I want you to write about yourself. Who are you? General moods, feelings, rolls in life, personality,

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Presentation on theme: "Sketchbook Activity #1 Free writing… For at least 5 minutes I want you to write about yourself. Who are you? General moods, feelings, rolls in life, personality,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Sketchbook Activity #1 Free writing… For at least 5 minutes I want you to write about yourself. Who are you? General moods, feelings, rolls in life, personality, outlook on life, how would others (peers, parents, co-workers) describe you, how would you describe yourself, how do you want to be seen, beliefs, goals, future hopes or dreams, activities you enjoy, favorites, etc.

3 Sketchbook Activity #2 Doodle at least three simple patterns or designs that tell us about you, your personality, beliefs or values. Please write a short explanation to go with each.

4 Sketchbook Activity #3 What features and characteristics distinguish you from other people? What makes you different? List or sketch these things.

5 Sketchbook Activity #4 Design 3 outfits you would be comfortable wearing and would fit your personality. If you are stuck… Think about different events you might go to that have different dress requirements. For example, daily wear, church clothes, wedding, prom, work attire, going out clothes, workout clothes, bumming around the house clothes,

6 Sketchbook Activity #5 Sketch yourself. I want you to include your entire figure in different positions, showing diverse moods and angles. Create at least 3 designs but please don’t stop until you are happy with the figures you have created. If you would like to have your picture taken to help you out let me know.

7 Self Portraits- Mini Me’s The goal… Depict yourself in a 3-D fiber form The form should reflect who you were, who you are, or who you hope to become Your work should be personalized and reflect your life, your experiences and your beliefs It should “be like you,” your work does not have to look realistic but should show us who you are and should be recognizable as you





















28 Choose a mood and personality you want to portray… this will set the tone for your piece Determine your color scheme for the cloth you will paint and the clothes you will make… what colors and clothes will best show your mood and personality Distinguishing features and characteristics you want to show… what style of doll will you create, what will your mini me look like Brainstorm what materials you can use to create your mini me… wire, tinfoil, paper and cloth will make the main form but what embellishments or accessories will you add Ok… so now what? Now… Create your final sketch

29 Images featured came from the following sites…

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