An Update from the TAGPMA Scott Rea EuGridPMA Mtg, Berlin, DE Sept 13, 2009 The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority.

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Presentation on theme: "An Update from the TAGPMA Scott Rea EuGridPMA Mtg, Berlin, DE Sept 13, 2009 The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Update from the TAGPMA Scott Rea EuGridPMA Mtg, Berlin, DE Sept 13, 2009 The Americas Grid Policy Management Authority

2 2Scott Rea – New Leadership New Officers elected in July 2009 –Chair: Scott Rea (Dartmouth) –Vice Chair:Roger Impey (CANARIE) –Secretary: Doug Olson (OSG) –Outgoing Officers Much appreciation to our outgoing Officers –Vinod Rebello (Chair) –Jim Marsteller (VC) –Marg Murray (Sec)

3 3Scott Rea – Current TAGPMA Membership OrganizationCRepresentativeType UNAMMXRuben AquinoClassic ULAGridVEAle StolkClassic UNLPARJavier DiazClassic CANARIECARoger ImpeyClassic REUNACLSandra JaqueClassic RNP-UFFBRVinod RebelloClassic EELABRVinod RebelloClassic TACCUSMarg MurrayClassic, MICS DOEGridsUSMike HelmClassic (EU) NCSAUSJim BasneySLCS x 2, MICS NERSCUSShreyas CholiaSLCS FNALUSIrwin GainesSLCS OSGUSDoug OlsonRelying Party TeraGridUSJim MarstellerRelying Party LCGUKDave KelseyRelying Party Dartmouth/HEBCAUSScott ReaRelying Party THEGridUSAlan SillRelying Party -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNIANDESCOAndres HoguinClassic (in-process) SENAMHIPERichard MiguelClassic (in-process) ANSPBRSergio LiettiClassic (proposed) SDSCUSScott SakaiMICS (proposed)

4 4Scott Rea – Current TAGPMA Membership 23 Members from North, Central and South America Covering Canada, US, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, Peru Argentina, Brazil, and Colombia. Two Catchall CAs cover the remaining countries. –15 IGTF Accredited CAs 9 Classic –TACC - US, UFF BrGrid & UFF LACGrid - Brazil, UNLPGrid - Argentina, REUNA – Chile, ULAGrid – Venezuela, GridCanada, UNAM - Mexico. –NOTE: DOE Grid accredited by EUGridPMA 4 SLCS (NCSA x 2, FermiLabs, and NERSC - US) 2 MICS (NCSA and TACC - US) –2 CAs pending accreditation, 2 more proposed & active 2 Classic pending (SENAMHI – Peru, UNIANDES - Colombia) 1 Classic proposed (ANSP – Br), 1 MICS proposed (SDSC – US) –5 Relying Parties (OSG, TeraGrid, THEgrid, LCG, Dartmouth/HEBCA) 2 Members in suspended status due to inactivity UVA (Jim Jokl), Purdue (Greg Barnes)

5 5Scott Rea – Communication Infrastructure IGTF Website http://www.igtf.net TAGPMA Website http://www.tagpma.org –Hosts static, public information –Still undergoing updates TAGPMA twiki http(s):// –hosts TAGPMA documents, tutorials etc. Mailing list tagpma-general and other IGTF aliases managed by ESnet. –Email any issues direct to the Chair (Scott.Rea@Dartmouth.EDU)

6 6Scott Rea – Summary of News 9th TAGPMA F2F at PSC, Pittsburgh, US –April 30 th – May 2 nd, 2009 –Details can be found here: Preceded by Federated Identity Day (April 29 th ) –Details can be found here: Recent Accreditations –TACC (MICS) –FNAL (SLCS) –NCSA (Federated SLCS)

7 7Scott Rea – Next TAGPMA F2F Meeting 10th TAGPMA F2F at Banff, CA –September 15 th – 17 th, 2009 –Combined with IGFT All-Hands meeting –Arrangements can be found here: Preceded by OGF #27 –Including CAOPS –See

8 8Scott Rea – TAGPMA Conference Calls Fortnightly Video Conference Call are now on Wednesdays. –Next one is 23rd September, 11am CDT –Video arrangements: Video ESNet 884483 or GDS 0011349884483 or phone 1-510-883-7860 884483# –The agenda is usually posted on tagpma-general the day before. Feel free to join to attend meetings Thanks

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