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Anneke H. van Heteren Ann MacLarnon Christophe Soligo Todd Rae

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1 Anneke H. van Heteren Ann MacLarnon Christophe Soligo Todd Rae
3D geometric morphometrical analyses of the functional morphology of the cave bear Ursus spelaeus Anneke H. van Heteren Ann MacLarnon Christophe Soligo Todd Rae

2 Introduction Cave bears are most commonly interpreted as large herbivorous bears Some research indicates a more carnivorous dietary niche Morphology of the mandible will provide additional insights

3 Methodology: Data Collection
Microscribe G2 desktop digitising system (Immersion Corporation, San Jose, CA)

4 Methodology: Landmarks
7 7 Ursus thibethanus Taken from Davis, 1955

5 Methodology: Statistics
1. Procrustes superimposition 1. excluding fossils 4. including fossils 2. Allometric correction 2. excluding fossils 3. Principal Components Analysis 3. excluding fossils 5. (M)ANCOVA 6. Discriminant Function Analysis 7. Interpretation fossils Procrustes superimposition Scaling Translation Rotation / Reflection Allometric correction: pooled regression analysis Procrustes coordinates Log centroid size Pooled per species Input fossils 4.

6 Materials Extants Fossils Ailuropoda melanoleuca (panda) n=5
Helarctos malayanus (Malayan sun bear) n=6 Melursus ursinus (sloth bear) n=15 Tremarctos ornatus (spectacled bear) n=5 Ursus americanus (American black bear) n=10 U. arctos (brown bear) n=28 U. maritimus (polar bear) n=11 U. thibetanus (Asiatic black bear) n=11 Ursus spelaeus (cave bear) n=13 Ursus arctos (brown bear) n=1

7 Results: PCA excluding fossils
Malayan sun bear panda spectacled bear American & Asiatic black bears sloth bear brown bear polar bear

8 Results: PC1 Insectivores Herbivores Omnivores

9 Results: PCA excluding fossils
Malayan sun bear panda spectacled bear American & Asiatic black bears sloth bear brown bear polar bear

10 Results: PC2 Sloth bear Malayan sun bear Panda bear Spectacled bear

11 Results: ANOVA excluding fossils
Groups: dietary niches Herbivorous: spectacles and panda bears Omnivorous/carnivorous: genus Ursus (true bears) Insectivorous: sloth and Malayan sun bears Dietary niche has a significant effect on PC1 scores PC 2 discriminates between panda and spectacled bear, and sloth and Malayan sun bear

12 Results: PCA including fossils
Malayan sun bear panda spectacled bear American & Asiatic black bears sloth bear cave bear brown bear polar bear

13 Results: Cave bear Cave bear Brown bear Spectacled bear

14 Results: correlation & ANOVA
PC scores of extant bears of the analyses including and excluding fossils are significantly correlated So, PC scores of cave bears can be interpreted in a similar fashion as those of the extant bears

15 Discussion: PC1 Dietary niche has a significant effect on PC1 scores
Cave bears have similar PC1 values to spectacled and panda bears, but are significantly different from the omnivorous bears Ergo, they likely had a herbivorous diet

16 Discussion: PC2 Toughness of the diet has a significant effect on PC2 for extant bears Cave bears have significantly lower PC2 values than spectacled and panda bears Ergo, cave bears may have had a diet less tough than those of the other herbivorous bears

17 Conclusion The morphology of the mandible of cave bears indicates that they were adapted to eating vegetative matter. The plants eaten were possibly less tough than those in the diet of spectacled and panda and spectacled bears

18 Acknowledgements Thank you! Museums (alphabetically)
Museum of Zoology and Natural History "La Specola", Firenze, Italy Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Naturhistorisches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Museum am Löwentor, Germany Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria Université de Liège, Liège, Belgium This research received support from the SYNTHESYS Project which is financed by European Community Research Infrastructure Action under the FP6 "Structuring the European Research Area" Programme. This research was partly funded by internal grant from Roehampton University Thank you!

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