ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li1 Test of QCD in 2-5 GeV with BESII Weiguo Li, Zhengguo Zhao (Representing BES Collaboration) IHEP of CAS,

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1 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li1 Test of QCD in 2-5 GeV with BESII Weiguo Li, Zhengguo Zhao (Representing BES Collaboration) IHEP of CAS, Beijing, China University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA I.Final Results of R-values in 2-5 GeV II.  distribution and 2 nd binomial moment III.Summary

2 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li2 Definition of R R: one of the most fundamental quantities in particle physics, counts directly the number of quarks, their flavor and colors Experimentally N had : observed hadronic events N bg : background events L: integrated luminosity  had : detection efficiency for hadronic events  : radiative correction

3 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li3  Reducing the uncertainty of  (M Z 2 )  essential for precision tests of the SM  Hunting for new physics from a   (g-2)/2  Interpretation of E821 at BNL Motivations of the R Scan Relative contributions to the uncertainties of a  and  (M Z 2 )

4 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li4 Total 91 energy points in 2-5 GeV Single and separated beam collision to study beam associated background Special runs taken at J/ , 2.6, 3.0, 3.5 GeV with larger data sample to determine  trg L measured by large angle Bhabha LUARLW is developed to improve JETSET for  had low energy region, particularly for E cm < 3 GeV D, D *, D s, D s * productions are simulated according to Eichiten Model A generator is built into LUARLW to handle decays of resonances in the radiative return processes e + e -   J/  or  (2S) BES’s R Scan

5 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li5 Events Recorded by BESII Data MC

6 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li6 Tune the parameters to reproduce 14 distributions of the observed kinematic variables and hadronic event shape. Hatched region: MC Histogram: Data Variation of Detection Efficiency and ISR in 2-5 GeV Some Hadronic Event Shapes at E cm =2.2 GeV (LUARLW)

7 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li7 R Values in 2-5 GeV

8 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li8 R Below 10 GeV Before BES R Scan After BES R Scan

9 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li9 The SM Fit to m H (95% C.L.) Without BES data With BES data

10 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li10 R(pQCD) and R(BES) pQCD calculation agree amazingly well with BES data Exhibits QCD correction known to O(  s 3 (s)) so far. Precision meas. of R can determine  s and thus evaluate  s (M Z ). Using R at 3.0 and 4.8 GeV, one has: BES: PDG2000: Evaluation of  s and  s (M Z ) from R(BES) D. Michel J.H. Kuhn, M.Rreinhauser Nucl. Phys. B619(2001)588

11 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li11  Distribution:  =-ln(2p/  s) MLLA/LPHD calculations Limiting spectrum when Q 0 =  eff B=a/b, a=11N c /3+2n f /3N c 2, b=(11N c -2n f )/3 C F =(N c 2 -1)/2N c =4/3, N c : quark flavor = 3 n f : # qark flavor produced I B : modified Bessel Function.  =  0 +ix, where tanh  0 =2  -1,  =1-  /  ** MLLA/LPHD fit with BES data BES Preliminary

12 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li12 Multiplicity and Second Binomial Moment Average multiplicity: NLO: BES Preliminary

13 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li13 Summary BES measured R in 2-5 GeV with average uncertainties of 6.6% (a factor of 2-3 improvement)  significant impact on the SM fit: m Higgs moves up from 61 GeV to 90 GeV, up limit from 170 GeV to 210 GeV R scan data at continuum can be used to test QCD - Preliminary results of  and R 2 are consistent with e + e -, ep and N data at high energy. -  consistent with MLLA/LPHD predictions, R 2 consistent with NLO – 0.07. CLEOC and BESIII can provide more accurate data at continuum to test QCD at a few percent level.

14 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li14 Error of R Measurement at BESII Source BESII (%) BESIII Goal(%) Luminosity 2 – 3 1 Detection effi. 3 – 4 1 - 2 Trigger effi. 0.5 Radiation corr, 1 - 2 1 Hadron decay model 2 - 3 1 – 2 Statistical 2.5 -- Total 6 – 7 2 - 3

15 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li15 Thrust and Mean Thrust Thrust: Mean thrust:  1-T A, B constant Free para. BES Preliminary

16 ICHEP2002, Amsterdam Zhengguo Zhao, Weiguo Li16  [e + e -   (K  ) + X] and Fragmentation Function, S/U Ratio Fragmentation function D q h (x,  s)  [e + e -   (K  ) + X] are also needed to help determine polarized parton density S/U: input parameters in hadron production generator  needed for determining  h K + p exp. N exp. eN exp. 20.9 K * /  20.9 K/  BESII(3.0) preliminary S/U

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