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Adolf Hitler’s Speech on the Treaty of Versailles (April 17, 1923)

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1 Adolf Hitler’s Speech on the Treaty of Versailles (April 17, 1923)
With the armistice begins the humiliation of Germany…So long as this Treaty stands there can be no resurrection of the German people; no social reform of any kind is possible! The Treaty was made in order to bring 20 million Germans to their deaths and to ruin the German nation. But those who made the Treaty cannot set it aside. As its foundation our Movement formulated three demands: 1. Setting aside of the Peace Treaty. 2. Unification of all Germans. 3. Land and soil [Grund und Boden] to feed our nation. Our movement could formulate these demands, since it was not our Movement which caused the War, it has not made the Republic, it did not sign the Peace Treaty. [The movement] desires to make the German once more National…It desires to teach our people to understand afresh the truth of the old saying: He who will not be a hammer must be an anvil. An anvil we are today, and that anvil will be beaten until out of the anvil we fashion once more a hammer, a German sword!

2 German economy devastated
German banknotes being used as wallpaper


4 EQ: TWE was the Treaty of Versailles appropriate?

5 Read Wilson’s 14 points and answer the following questions:
1. Which points were about specific territorial issues in Europe and elsewhere? 2. Which, if any, would be beneficial to powerful nations like the U.S.? 3. Which, if any, would be beneficial to weaker nations? 4. Which, if any, would likely be regarded as taking away some of the power of the U.S. as a sovereign nation? 5. Was this a realistic way to settle the war?

6 Paris Peace Conference (Dec 1918 – June 1919)
Ended war between Germany and the Allies Signed 28 June 1919 “Big Three” British PM David Lloyd George French PM Georges Clemenceau U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson Presented 14 pts (Italy and Japan left) “Big Four” at Paris Peace Conference, May 27, 1919 (L - R) PM David Lloyd George (GB), Premier Vittorio Orlando (Italy), PM Georges Clemenceau (France), Pres. Woodrow Wilson

7 Wilson did not bring any leading member of the Republican party = BIG MISTAKE

8 Treaty of Versailles Read summary and answer Qs:
Who was blamed for war? Was this appropriate? What parts of the 14 points were included in Treaty? What do you think of Article 10 of the League Covenant? “The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In the case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.”

9 Ratification of Treaty
2 groups in Senate that opposed: irreconcilables (would not accept at all) reservationists (would accept with changes) Henry Cabot Lodge objected to Article X of League Covenant Wilson would not compromise

10 Wilson’s tour of the U.S.



13 Discuss! EQ: TWE was the Treaty of Versailles appropriate?
Groups – What changes should be made to Treaty?

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