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Vocabulary Unit #16. Catacombs  Cata = down  You might find it weird that people are willing to venture into the catacombs of Paris to see bones and.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Unit #16. Catacombs  Cata = down  You might find it weird that people are willing to venture into the catacombs of Paris to see bones and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Unit #16

2 Catacombs  Cata = down  You might find it weird that people are willing to venture into the catacombs of Paris to see bones and skeletons of the dead.

3 Insomnia  Somn = sleep  Jane was hardly able to keep her eyes open in class due to the previous night’s insomnia.

4 Quadrilingual  Quadri = four  Lingu = tongue  My friend Nina is quadrilingual because she has lived in many different countries and learns new languages very easily.

5 Erratic  Err = wander  Simon’s erratic behavior today was unusual, as he usually does not act that way.

6 Motivate  Mot = move  The students were motivated to arrive on time to English class after Ms. Futrell began assigning lunch detention.

7 Navigate  Nav = ship  The website is very easy to navigate because there are no confusing menus or distracting graphics.

8 Inundate  Und = wave  The waves of water soon inundated the low-lying regions, flooding all of the state’s coastal towns.

9 Reflection  Flect – bend  Sometimes a child’s behavior is a reflection of how he sees his parents behave.

10 Coronation  Coron = crown  At her coronation, the new queen received a crown of gold and jewels.

11 Illiterate  Liter = letter  Because he was illiterate, Tom could not read any of the letters written on the page.

12 Rational  Rat = think  A rational person will always think before speaking or acting.

13 Disparity  Par = equal  There was a disparity between his story and the facts.

14 Immense  Mens = measure  Although it required an immense amount of preparation, the class did a great job with the seminar.

15 Harmony  Mony = condition  Some people believe cats and dogs cannot live in harmony in the same household.

16 Quintuplets  Quin = five  The new parents were definitely not ready to care for quintuplets, especially since they thought they were only having twins.

17 Social  Socio = society  Meg is a very social person who likes to go to parties whenever she has the time.

18 Dysphasia  Dys = bad  Phasia = speech  Elizabeth’s dysphasia caused her to become very nervous when speaking in public.

19 Helicopter  Pter = wing  The Coast Guard helicopter hovered just a few feet from the ocean while the rescuers removed passengers from the sinking ship.

20 Phantom  Phan = appearance  The phantom appeared once again in the doorway, but the skeptical house guests refused to believe in ghosts.

21 Perimeter  Peri = near or around  The police officers checked the perimeter of the my house for possible clues after the attempted break-in.

22 Viaduct  Via – road  The North Carolina mountains have many viaducts to carry roads, cars, and people over deep mountain valleys.

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