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Vital signs Taken body Temperature Prepared by : Dr. Amira Yahia T. Naglaa Hassan T. Mehurnwnisha.

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Presentation on theme: "Vital signs Taken body Temperature Prepared by : Dr. Amira Yahia T. Naglaa Hassan T. Mehurnwnisha."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vital signs Taken body Temperature Prepared by : Dr. Amira Yahia T. Naglaa Hassan T. Mehurnwnisha

2 TEMPERATURE Core temperature – temperature of the body tissues, is controlled by the hypothalamus (control center in the brain) – maintained within a narrow range. Skin temperature rises & falls in response to environmental conditions & depends on blood flow to skin & amount of heat lost to external environment

3 Cont… The body’s tissues & cells function best between the range from 36.4 deg C to 37.2 deg C Temperature is lowest in the morning, highest during the evening.

4 TEMPERATURE Temperature is the “hotness” or “coldness” of a substance The body’s Temperature remains within a relatively narrow range for optimal function A person’s body Temperature remains relatively stable despite internal extremes (Ex. Metabolic changes) or external conditions (Ex. Climatic Temperature).

5 Average body temp is 37 degrees Centigrade A thermometer registers the body’s core Temperature. When the body’s core Temperature rises above normal, Hyperthermia occurs. When the body’s core Temperature falls below normal, Hypothermia occurs.

6 Thermometers – 3 types Glass mercury – mercury expands or contracts in response to heat. (just recently non mercury) Electronic – heat sensitive probe, (reads in seconds) there is a probe for oral/axillary use (red) & a probe for rectal use (blue). There are disposable plastic cover for each use. Relies on battery power – return to charging unit after use. Infrared Tympanic (Ear) – sensor probe shaped like an otoscope in external opening of ear canal. Ear canal must be sealed & probe sensor aimed at tympanic membrane – return to charging unit after use.

7 Sites of taken temperature Oral Posterior sublingual pocket – under tongue (close to carotid artery) No hot or cold drinks or smoking 20 min prior to temp. Must be awake & alert. Not for small children (bite down) Leave in place 3 min Axillary Bulb in center of axilla Lower arm position across chest Non invasive – good for children. Less accurate (no major blood vessels nearby) Leave in place 5 min. Measures 0.5 C lower than oral temp. Rectal Side lying with upper leg flexed, insert lubricated bulb (1-11/2 inch adult) (1/2 inch infant) When unsafe or inaccurate by mouth (unconscious, disoriented or irrational) Side lying position – leg flexed Leave in place 2-3 min. Measures 0.5 C higher than oral Ear Close to hypothalmus – sensitive to core temp. changes Adult - Pull pinna up & back Child – pull pinna down & back Rapid measurement Easy assessibility Cerumen impaction distorts reading Otitis media can distort reading 2-3 seconds

8 Thanks

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