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Pelham Elementary School Grade 3 Miss Galvin Room 303.

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Presentation on theme: "Pelham Elementary School Grade 3 Miss Galvin Room 303."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pelham Elementary School Grade 3 Miss Galvin Room 303

2 Meet Our Team! Mrs. Borque Mrs. Molloy Mrs. Carr Mrs. Murphy Mrs. Dutil Miss Galvin Mrs. Dunbar Mrs. Andrews

3 PES Vision Statement “To Provide Guidance, Resources, and Support to all Members of the Pelham Elementary Community to Facilitate Life-Long Learning”


5 Classroom Rules & Expectations Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible

6 Third Grade Curriculum

7 Reading Curriculum: Scott Foresman Reading Street 6 Units 5 stories per unit Reading Comprehension Skills (example: Sequencing) Vocabulary Skills (example: glossary, dictionary) Phonics Skills (example: short vowels) Grammar Skills (example: subject/predicate, fragments) Spelling Patterns (related to phonics skill)

8 Math Curriculum: Scott Foresman: EnVisions Common Core 16 Topics Topics include: Place Value Adding and Subtracting with and without regrouping Multiplication Meanings and Facts 0-10 Division Meaning and Facts 0-10 Fractions Two Dimensional Shapes Time Perimeter and Area Volume and Mass Data Collection and Graphing

9 Science Curriculum Units of Study Include Space and the Solar System Force and Motion Magnetism Weather and Climate Ecosystems Life Cycles and Inherited Traits

10 Social Studies Curriculum Units of Study Include Map Skills Native Americans and Regions in the United States Immigration

11 Pearson Success Net The reading, math, and science books are online. Please visit Type in your student’s username and password This will give you access to all three books, however the reading books only give you a summary of our weekly story due to copyright laws.

12 Standards Based Report Cards

13 Report Card Expectations CodeTranslationComments 4 Exceeding the grade level standard and producing quality work consistently This grade will be reported when a student demonstrates performance beyond expectations on a consistent and independent basis. 3 Meeting the grade level standard and producing quality work This grade will be reported when a student consistently and independently demonstrates mastery of a subject material. A 3 should be considered an excellent grade, one that a student should be working towards, as developmentally appropriate. 2 Progressing toward the standard and producing the required grade level work with teacher direction and assistance This grade will be reported when a student can meet expectations with teacher assistance and support, but often does not demonstrate consistent mastery in a set subject area or grade level standard. The student may need to continue developing a specific skill set and progress is being encouraged. 1 Beginning to develop the standard but not yet able to produce required grade level work This grade will be reported if there is concern in a student’s progress in a given subject, skill, or grade level standard. N Not yet being assessedThe standard is not assessed in this marking period. The standards listed on the other side are year long expectations which will increase in academic rigor each quarter. Below are the translations and comments to describe what each grade means.

14 Math Fact Fluency: Expectations Throughout the year, Grade 3 works on mastering math facts in the areas of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division Students are assessed using 3-minute fluency checks as follows: QuarterProblem TypeExpectations First 3-Digit Addition & Subtraction 10 Problems Correct Second Multiplication Facts 0-5 25 Problems Correct Third Multiplication Facts 0-10 30 Problems Correct Fourth Multiplication & Division Facts 0-10 35 Problems Correct

15 Reading Fluency & Expectations The Grade 3 Team works to help students master new phonics, grammar, and spelling strategies that will help improve their reading fluency, as well as their confidence! 1 Minute Reading Fluency checks using Grade-Level passages from our Reading Street Series are performed 3 times each quarter. These are measured as follows (wpm= Words Per Minute): Quarter4321 First114+ wpm87-114 wpm59-86 wpm59 wpm Second124 wpm97-124 wpm69-96 wpm69 wpm Third134 wpm107-134 wpm79-106 wpm79wpm Fourth144 wpm117-144 wpm86-116 wpm89 wpm

16 Conferences Sign up for conferences using


18 Wrap-Up Questions E-mail: School site:

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