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Hindu traditions are not only immortal but also ancient. A nuptial that is been announced to others through a wedding invitation card is much more than.

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2 Hindu traditions are not only immortal but also ancient. A nuptial that is been announced to others through a wedding invitation card is much more than a celebration of love. According to Hinduism, it involves promising each other with a happy and a conjugal beginning of a new life. A Hindu wedding is complete only when the bride and the bridegroom complete seven encirclements around Agni, the sacred fire. Here’s with important points that would aid you to make you aware of the meaning of a Hindu wedding invitation card

3 The first step that leads towards the process of a marriage is ‘Convocation’. The step refers to grooming the man who is due to be married neatly, followed by a bath under hot water. The main reason is to mark a new beginning by ushering the boy into a family and abandon Brahmacharya (sainthood) where the person would take no heed of his facial outlook.

4 In this step of ritual, the daughter is been offered by her father to the groom, it is considered to be the personification of Vishnu with a belief that as they united with each other and blessing of Brama Loka is showered on them. The mantras also speak about offering the bride dazzling in gold to the groom so that children would be born later and she would not pose to be a hindrance during his religious duties. The understanding is extended by placing the daughter’s hand of the groom and promising them.

5 The next step, Sumuhurtham is characterized by a special moment in which the bride and the groom place cumin seeds and jaggery on their heads. The head is where the Kundalini enters through the opening of the Sushumna Nadi. After this step, the cloth between the two that was placed is removed and it is for the first time when the bride and the groom see each other As the cumin seeds and jaggery are placed on the heads the mixture energizes them with positive energy as it flows from the Sahasrara Chakra to the Ajna Chakra. Finally, when they see each other the wave lengths harmonize and this denotes lesser chances of they getting in conflicts after a married life.

6 Symbolizing Mangalya that means offering good things, a mangalsutra is worn by the groom around the bride’s neck and finally tied with three knots. This denotes security and commitment and move ahead with a married life filled with happiness. The three knots mean Sthula Sharira – the entire body, Sukshma Sharira – Pranic body and Karana Sharira – Causal body.

7 Here, the bride and the groom move around the holy fire, the protection against the evil. They hold hand together to declare that they have accepted each other with their souls and hearts. They move around in seven encirclements with seven vows that spells a responsibility towards each other.

8 Contact Person:Rahul Sablawat AddressReadiprint International,Narsingh complex, Near Rajmandir Cinema, M.I. Road, Jaipur 302001 India Phone :Mobile (Rahul) : +91 98281 11103 Phone :+91 141 6608006, +91 141 6608005, +91 141 6608090 Official Email

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