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Centre No.71987 Artist – Thomas Kelly Unit 3 Working to a Project Brief.

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1 Centre No.71987 Artist – Thomas Kelly Unit 3 Working to a Project Brief


3 Here are some facts that I have learned about Bees: Bees produce more honey than they actually need and store it in honeycombs. The hexagonal structure of the honeycomb is well-known to everyone. Mathematicians looking for answer to this question reached an interesting conclusion: "A hexagon is the most appropriate geometric form for the maximum use of a given area." A hexagonal cell requires the minimum amount of wax for construction while it stores the maximum amount of honey. So the bee uses the most appropriate form possible. The method used in the construction of the honeycomb is also very amazing: bees start the construction of the hive from two-three different places and weave the honeycomb simultaneously in two-three strings. Though they start from different places, the bees, great in number, construct identical hexagons and then weave the honeycomb by combining these together and meeting in the middle. BeesandtheArchitecturalWondersofHoneycombs.htm

4 This is a collage that I made from images that I found in books. I used these images as inspiration for many of my designs. I also digitally photographed this collage and manipulated it using photoshop.

5 Philip Treacy Hat Designer (1967-) When I was researching designers on the internet this was the designer whose work appealed to me the most The lacey effect of this hat reminds me of the honeycomb which I am basing my hat on.

6 I really liked the sculptured shape of these hats by Treacy. I want my final piece to have a very strong shape.


8 I then covered them in PVA, wrapped them around some plastic bags that were taped together and left them to harden over a few days. To get the effect of the honeycomb I tore some strips of textured brown paper that was used for packaging.

9 I used a selection of large and small shapes to create the effect I wanted. Using the shapes I created I used the glue gun to stick them together in the shape that I wanted. I sprayed my hat black

10 Here is a close up of the hat structure. I really like the effect of the dripping glue, I felt that it added character to the overall effect.



13 What was your brief ? The brief was “building for life”. I worked from one of the given briefs but changed it slightly in order to allow me to work with different materials: the brief that I worked to was: design and make a hat inspired by insect nests. Did you produce an effective final piece? I believe that I produced a very effective final piece that I am very happy with my outcome. I used a lot of found materials to create my hat. I experimented with materials and shapes as well as looking at the work of other artists before arriving at my final design. Calculate how much time, cost of final piece? It took me about 20 hours at £5 an hour to make my final piece so the cost of my final piece would be. Because my final piece was made from found materials there would be no cost for the other than paint and glue which I estimate at being about £5 therefore making my hat approximately £130 including Tax. Did you use the most effective materials, techniques and processes? Yes I did use the most effective materials and techniques because I made several samples before I began and myself and my teacher decided that this method was the most practical.

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