Hong-Jian He Tsinghua University Physics Case for Circular Colliders Physics Case for Circular Colliders International WS on FHECC, IHEP, Beijing, Dec.16-17,

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Presentation on theme: "Hong-Jian He Tsinghua University Physics Case for Circular Colliders Physics Case for Circular Colliders International WS on FHECC, IHEP, Beijing, Dec.16-17,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hong-Jian He Tsinghua University Physics Case for Circular Colliders Physics Case for Circular Colliders International WS on FHECC, IHEP, Beijing, Dec.16-17, 2013.

2 High Energy Physics at Turning Point  LHC Discovery of H(125GeV) in 2012 is a Historic Turning Point - SM seems complete. Historic Turning Point - SM seems complete.  Leads to a New Set of Key Physics Questions !  High Energy Frontier: Needs Global Effort & Global Program, world-wide! Needs Global Effort & Global Program, world-wide!  Circular Colliders: a Major Direction of Future High Energy Colliders. a Major Direction of Future High Energy Colliders. LEP-LHC is such an example with Great Success! LEP-LHC is such an example with Great Success! — So, What’s the Next ?! — So, What’s the Next ?!

3 Physics Discoveries on Energy Frontier vs Advances in Accelerator/Technology VLHC ILC Snowmass-2013

4 TLEP+VHE-LHC ee(350GeV)+pp(100TeV) TLEP Proposal (arXiv:1308.6176)

5 Circular Higgs factory (Phase I) + Super pp Collider (Phase II) in the Same Tunnel e  e + Higgs Factory Super pp collider Circular ee Collider (CEPC) + Super pp Collider (SPPC) A Chinese Proposal

6 High Energy Physics at Turning Point High Energy Physics at Turning Point New Set of Key Physics Questions LHC New Discovery of H(125GeV) puts leading to

7 New Set of Key Physics Questions Within SM Structure New Set of Key Physics Questions Within SM Structure SM contains 3 kinds of Fundamental Interactions: SM contains 3 kinds of Fundamental Interactions:  1. Gauge Interactions: via Spin-1 Gauge Bosons  2. Yukawa Interactions: via Spin-0 Higgs Boson  3. Higgs Self-Interactions: via h 3 and h 4 Couplings  LHC only has weak sensitivities to hττ, hbb, htt. ─ All other Yukawa + Self couplings fully unknown!! ─ All other Yukawa + Self couplings fully unknown!! ─ Origins of Fermion Masses + Higgs Mass Itself ?? ─ Origins of Fermion Masses + Higgs Mass Itself ??  Quantitative Tests of Type-1(h) + Type-2,3 Interactions are KEY Tasks for Next Generation Colliders !!! are KEY Tasks for Next Generation Colliders !!!

8 Sensitivity to Higgs Couplings: M.E.Peskin, arXiv:1207.2516 LHC(300/fb) has poor sensitivity to Fermion-Yukawa-Couplings !

9 Sensitivity to Higgs Couplings: M.Klute etal, arXiv:1301.1322 HL-LHC(3/ab) does not improve much on Yukawa Couplings !

10 Theory Predictions for Modifications

11 New Set of Key Physics Questions Beyond SM Structure New Set of Key Physics Questions Beyond SM Structure  SM does not include Gravity Force ! So it cannot explain Dark Energy, Inflation..... So it cannot explain Dark Energy, Inflation.....  85% Matter in the universe is Dark Matter, but SM contains no DM ! but SM contains no DM !  SM with h(125GeV) gives too small Baryon Asymmetry of the universe, in contradiction with observations !  SM cannot account for Neutrino Mass without adding New Particles. New Particles.  ν Mixings fully differ from Quarks. Leptonic CP ?…

12 High Energy Physics at Turning Point Additional Remarks High Energy Physics at Turning Point Additional Remarks  H(125) completes SM spectrum. We enter a New Era where Verification of SM takes 2nd Place to Search for New Forces & Interactions. Search for New Forces & Interactions.  A Mystery concerns Higgs Itself: It gives masses to all SM particles - Why is God Particle as simple as this? Why is Higgs mass sensitive to Heavy Particles in UV ? Why is Higgs mass sensitive to Heavy Particles in UV ?  Higgs itself gives us a New Exp approach: Once SM Higgs is extended, its properties are hardly constrained. It is compelling to tug on this particle until SM breaks !!

13 What LHC-14 at 300/fb Will Do ?  Increase mass reach by a factor ~2 in most channels. Search glunio to ~2TeV, Z’, t’ above 1TeV, …… Search glunio to ~2TeV, Z’, t’ above 1TeV, ……  Make 1st measurement on V V V V Scattering.  Test h gauge couplings, mass, spin, CP to 10% level.  Give 1st measurement on h-t-t coupling.  Measure M W to precision < 10MeV, M t to < 600MeV.  Measure t couplings to Z, W, g, γ with sensitivities increased by a factor 2-5 better than today.  Carry out ISR-based searches for DM particles.  Provide data for new generation of PDFs. ………

14 What HL-LHC at 3/ab Will Do ? What HL-LHC at 3/ab Will Do ?  Increase mass reach by 20-40% for generic New Particle searches; increase a factor-2 in mass reach via EW force searches; increase a factor-2 in mass reach via EW force  Make precise measurement on V V V V Scattering, to probe Higgs sector resonance. to probe Higgs sector resonance.  Test Higgs couplings to 2-10%, 1% for h γγ /hZZ ratio.  Make powerful searches for Extended Higgs Sector.  Measure Rare Decays h μμ,γZ with 100M Higgs bosons.  Measure M W to precision < 5MeV, M t to < 500MeV.  Search for flavor-changing t couplings with 10B t-quarks.  Follow up an earlier discovery at LHC or in DM searches …

15 Circular e + e - Higgs Factory at 240GeV  Offer 10 times higher Luminosity than ILC(240), improve Higgs Coupling measurements by factor 3, and provide Multiple Detectors working at the same time.  Make better measurements than ILC by factor-4 in sin 2 θ eff, a factor-4 in M W, and a factor-10 in M Z. a factor-4 in M W, and a factor-10 in M Z.  Search for rare top coupling via ee t c, t u.  Offer possible improvement of α s by a factor-5 over Giga-Z, to < 0.1% precision.  TLEP350 measures top mass more precisely to ±100MeV.  …………

16 Circular e + e - : Precision Higgs Machine  e + e - Higgs Factory (240GeV) can more precisely measure Higgs properties than LHC: Mass, J PC, Couplings, especially h-Z-Z, h-b-b, h-τ-τ, h-g-g couplings, and invisible decays. It can also measure h-c-c Coupling, which cannot be carried out at LHC.  Most of important Precision-Higgs-Tests can be already done at HF(240GeV), without ILC500. Higgs self-couplings’ll be probed at Super pp(50-100TeV). M. E. Peskin, arXiv:1207.2516 ILC1(250GeV) & HF(240-250) can do well !

17 Circular HF(240) vs ILC(250) Snowmass-Higgs-Rept, arXiv:1310.8361

18 Circular pp Collider at 50-100TeV  Give high rates for gg hh production, and measure h 3 coupling to 8% at pp(100TeV) with 3/ab luminosity. h 3 coupling to 8% at pp(100TeV) with 3/ab luminosity.  Sensitively search New Higgs bosons of extended Higgs sector in multi-TeV range.  Significantly improve sensitivity to WW Scattering and multi-weak-boson production. multi-weak-boson production.  Search for WIMP DM Particle up to TeV mass range.  Follow up any discovery at LHC or DM & flavor searches, with further probes for related higher-mass particles. with further probes for related higher-mass particles. Both energy + luminosity matter! Both energy + luminosity matter!  ………… Brock & Peskin, Snowmass-Summary-Rept

19 Sensitivity to Higgs Couplings: M.E.Peskin, arXiv:1207.2516v3

20 Collider Reach for New Physics Upper Limits on New Particles Reaches at 95%CL Snowmass-Summary-2013

21 Higgs Gauge Couplings via WW Scattering LHC(14TeV) vs pp(50-100TeV)


23 Higgs Gauge Couplings via WW Scattering LHC(14TeV, 300/fb) Sensitivity: |Δκ| < 0.2 (2σ level)

24 For pp(50-100), we have E_cm(WW) = 10-30TeV. — Sensitive to Δκ ~ O(10 -3 ) J. Ren & HJH

25 For pp(50-100), we have E_cm(WW) = 10-30TeV. — Sensitive to Δκ ~ O(10 -3 ) J. Ren & HJH

26 Modify Effective hWW/hZZ Couplings in Einstein Frame:

27 General Unitarity Bound W + W + W + W + for LHC Energy

28 W + W + W + W + for pp(50-100TeV): — Sensitive to Δκ ~ O(10 -3 ) J. Ren & HJH

29 Origins of Fermion Masses: Probing Yukawa ! All spin-1/2 matter particles have ∝ Masses ∝ Arbitrary Yukawa Couplings: (in SM)



32 Why 2 n Scattering ? Dicus & HJH, 2005



35 PP(50-100TeV): Direct Probe of b & c Yukawa Couplings J. Ren & HJH

36 Testing Higgs Self-Couplings LHC(14TeV) vs pp(50-100TeV) pp hh + X bbγγ h 3 coupling with 50% accuracy.  LHC(14TeV, 3/ab) probe h 3 coupling with 50% accuracy. h 3 coupling with 20% accuracy.  HE-LHC(33TeV, 3/ab) probe h 3 coupling with 20% accuracy. h 3 coupling with 8% accuracy.  pp(100TeV, 3/ab) probe h 3 coupling with 8% accuracy. W. Yao, Snowmass-2013 (arXiv:1308.6302)

37 Can Circular e  e + (240) Probe h 3 Coupling?  TLEP(240GeV) can measure σ[Zh] to 0.4%. Estimate: Can probe h 3 to 28%. Estimate: Can probe h 3 to 28%.  Recall: HL-LHC probes h 3 to 50%. HL-LHC probes h 3 to 50%. ILC500 probes h 3 to 83%. ILC500 probes h 3 to 83%. M. Mcullough, arXiv:1312.3322

38 Beyond Higgs Boson(125) ??? We need: Big Machines + Big Ideas ! Cooperate Exp & Theory !

39 Thanks to Nima as our Great Theory Inspirator !

40 Thanks to All of You for Global Efforts in the World !

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