MR250 Unit 4 Ophthalmology. MT Client Any questions about MT Client this unit? Some things to keep an ‘eye’ and ear on assess and access never asses sights.

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1 MR250 Unit 4 Ophthalmology

2 MT Client Any questions about MT Client this unit? Some things to keep an ‘eye’ and ear on assess and access never asses sights and sites heel (think feet) and heal legions and lesions discrete nodule not discreet Listen for doctor speaking to you. Unremarkable

3 MT Client When numbering use the following format: 1. Chest pain…. 2. Return to clinic…. Best to keep it plain and simple Do not put “next number”, “number” – when numbering Dates: 01/01/2011 or 01/01/11 – slashes not dashes Spaces: 5 mm, 4 mm, 9 x 5 cm

4 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology Transcription Tips Medical Transcription Fundamentals: Remember to distinguish between the singular or plural form of the terms sclera and conjunctiva. Plural forms are: sclerae and conjunctivae. Textbook page 185 More tips: page 186 page 187 page 188 page 194 page 195

5 Book of Style Chapter 20 Ophthalmology Please review entire chapter. Page 419 top: OD, OS, OU: These abbreviations which reference the eyes should be expanded when used in general reference. It is appropriate, and preferred, to abbreviate them when associated with visual testing and measured values. OD = right eye OS = left eye OU = each eye Example: Visual acuity was 20/20 OD and 20/40 OS. BUT: D: She complained of sensitivity to light OS. T: She complained of sensitivity to light in the left eye.

6 Surgical Reports DATE OF OPERATION DATE OF DICTATION PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSES If the doctor says “Same as above” Type the entire entry from above. Do not put Same as above, same, etc. PROCEDURES SURGEON ANESTHESIA COMPLICATIONS There may not be complications and the doctor may say “None” and this sometimes sounds like Non – but it is None – meaning there were no complications. SPECIMENS INDICATIONS FOR PROCEDURE PROCEDURE

7 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 1.The dark center of the eyes through which light rays enter is called the 1.ciliary body. 2.iris. 3.orbit. 4.pupil. 2.The opaque white of the eye is called the 1.cornea. 2.lens. 3.retina. 4.sclera.

8 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 3.Which of the following describes the normal adjustment of the eye for seeing objects at various distances? 1.accommodation 2.Hemianopsia 3.optic chiasm 4.refraction 4. PERRLA is an acronym that stands for 1.pupils emergent, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. 2.pupils equal, round and reactive to light. 3.pupils equal, raised and reactive. 4.pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation.

9 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 5. The correct name for pink eye is 1.scleritis 2.conjunctivitis 3.blepharitis 4.retinal detachment 6.The condition that causes irregularities in the central field of vision is called 1.keratitis 2.macular degeneration 3.chalazion 4.myopia

10 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 7. The part of the eye that is often called the “white of the eye” is called the 1.pupil 2.cornea 3.iris 4.sclera 8.The lens is enclosed in a capsule of muscular tissue called the 1.ciliary body 2.retina 3.cilious tissue 4.cicatricial body

11 Chapter 8 Ophthalmology: Multiple Choice 9. Hyperopia refers to 1.farsightedness 2.nearsightedness 3.double vision 4.crossed eyes 10. During cataract surgery, the clouded lens is removed and replaced with a plastic lens called a (an) 1.irrigation device 2.intravisual lens 3.intraocular lens 4.laser lens

12 Ophthalmology Links lmology-medical-transcription-operative-sample-reports

13 More Websites More samples Pronunciation Website esources/pronunciations/index/a.html esources/pronunciations/index/a.html

14 Final Questions?  Well that’s all for tonight!  No discussion this week!  I hope you learned something to help you in your new transcription career!  Remember to get all of your assignments in on time! TATS are important!  Before submitting the documents, please make sure that you have proofread and edited them thoroughly.  See you next week! Same time—same place…

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