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Booster/Muon Campus Stage 1+ 1 GeV Nuclear/Booster-Muon Campus Stage 1 3 GeV Linac/1GeV program Stage 2 3 GeV 3-Way split Stage 2 3 GeV-8 GeV Linac Stage.

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Presentation on theme: "Booster/Muon Campus Stage 1+ 1 GeV Nuclear/Booster-Muon Campus Stage 1 3 GeV Linac/1GeV program Stage 2 3 GeV 3-Way split Stage 2 3 GeV-8 GeV Linac Stage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Booster/Muon Campus Stage 1+ 1 GeV Nuclear/Booster-Muon Campus Stage 1 3 GeV Linac/1GeV program Stage 2 3 GeV 3-Way split Stage 2 3 GeV-8 GeV Linac Stage 3 Chopper Scenarios for Injection into Booster Dave Johnson and Brian Chase December 18,2012

2 Scope What type of bunch patterns are required for the experimental program and injection into Booster and/or Recycler? – Steve presented bunch patterns for the experimental areas at a Friday meeting (2 weeks ago) What about injection requirements? Are these compatible for simultaneous operation? – Stage 1, Stage 2 (Booster injection), – Stage 3 (MI/RR injection) What combination of LEBT chopper operation, MEBT chopper configuration, requirements for deflecting cavity operation, and dipole transfer switches are required for each of these stages? Can a deterministic bunch pattern be programmed into the MEBT chopper for both injections? – At this point only considered Stage 1 Booster injection, but concepts should be applicable to Recycler injection

3 Nuclear Mu2e 1 GeV Nuclear/ Booster 3 GeV Experimental undeflected Deflected into 1 GeV arc

4 RF transverse deflecting cavity (splitter) Dump 1 GeV Experimental Area 1 GeV Linac Booster 900 kW 15 kW 1 MW MEBT DS1 DS2 Stage 1 Booster injection with 1 GeV Experimental Area and Muon Campus Dipole switch at F0 will select beam to either mu2e or Booster on for mu2e – off for Booster Lambertson 100 kW Muon Campus 40.625 MHz 81.25 MHz Tev F0 81.25 MHz un deflected to mu2e/Booster 40 MHz deflected to Nuclear Chopped 162.5 MHz train For n=7

5 RF transverse deflecting cavity (splitter) Dump 1 GeV Experimental Area 1-3 GeV Linac 1 GeV Linac Booster Lambertson 900 kW 15 kW 1 MW/2MW 3 MW 3-8 GeV Linac 3 GeV EA Dump MEBT 1 MW DS1 DS2 DS3 1 GeV arc Stage 2 Booster injection with 1 GeV Experimental Area and Beam t0 3 GeV Linac (for Experimental program Dipole switch (DS2) at F0 will select beam to either mu2e or Booster on for mu2e – off for Booster Lambertson 100 kW Muon Campus (?) 40.625 MHz 81.25 MHz Tev F0 Blue – Stage 1 Green - Stage 2 Red - Stage 3 RF transverse deflecting cavity (splitter) 81.25 MHz

6 Scenario for Beam to Booster Prepare for Booster transfer – Turn off beam ~500 us (LEBT chopper) – Turn off splitter to Nuclear area – Turn off dipole to mu2e – Program chopper for Booster Bunch pattern Inject Booster beam for ~1 ms Recover beam to Experiments Repeat at 15 Hz (3% duty factor)

7 Booster Injection MI design intensity 7.5E13/cycle requires 6.6E12/pulse To get 6.6E12 out of Booster with 95% cycle efficiency, Linac needs to deliver ~7E12 @15 Hz At 1 GeV F RF = 46.46 MHz, h=84, T REV = 1.8 us Assume 1ms inj. -> ~ 560 turns Assume 80 bunch injection/turn (4 bucket for extraction gap) Implies peak bunch intensity ~1.6 x 10 8 (25.6 pC /bunch) RQF current -> 4.16 mA With 80 bunch/turn -> average current of ~1.1 mA/us Booster bucket (at 1GeV and h=84) ~ 21.5 ns What bunch repetition frequency do we need? – We assume (micro)bunch-to bucket transfer in a stationary RF bucket

8 Inj Phase range FundamentalPlus 2 nd harmPlus 3 rd harm +/- 180 o 30%39%35% +/-90 o 52%71%60% +/-60 o 84%97%94% At 1 GeV for +/- 60 o phase implies bunch must arrive at +/- 3.58 ns from bucket center. Preliminary Booster injection study using ESME by C.Y. Tan (July ‘12) Eff from start of ramp to just before transition Example with +/-90 o

9 Preview of Bunch patterns for the 1 st ten buckets 162.5 MHz (no chopping) 81.25 MHz 40.625 MHz 21.5 ns 6.15 ns Booster 46.46 MHz RF (More details in Brian’s talk) With chopping have most control of injection phase of each bunch

10 P(inj) 1.7 GeV/c E= 1 GeV P(ext) 8.8889 GeV/c E= 8 GeV EnergyFreq (h=84)Df [kHz] 146.463457 1.00246.47810514.648 1.00446.49270329.246 Frequency Swing  p/p = +0.24% Booster momentum acceptance +/- (0.15 to 0.2%)..W. Chou Compensate with Booster correctors BL ~ 0.009T-m @ 24 A -Kiyomi Seiya -> keep RF freq fixed

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