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Ashima Wadhwa Java Script And Forms. Introduction Forms: –One of the most common Web page elements used with JavaScript –Typical forms you may encounter.

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Presentation on theme: "Ashima Wadhwa Java Script And Forms. Introduction Forms: –One of the most common Web page elements used with JavaScript –Typical forms you may encounter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ashima Wadhwa Java Script And Forms

2 Introduction Forms: –One of the most common Web page elements used with JavaScript –Typical forms you may encounter on the Web include order forms, surveys, and applications Use JavaScript: 1.To make sure data was entered properly into the form fields 2.To perform other types of preprocessing before the data is sent to the server

3 Overview Of Forms Forms are used to: –Collect information from users –Transmit that information to a server for processing Some popular server-side scripting languages that are used to process form data include: –Common Gateway Interface (CGI) –Active Server Pages (ASP) –Java Server Pages (JSP)

4 The Element Designates form within a Web page Contains all the text and elements that make up a form You can include as many forms as you like on a Web page You cannot nest one form inside another form

5 Form Controls Four primary elements used within the element to create form controls: – The and elements: –Create input fields with which users interact

6 Text Boxes An element with a type of “text” ( ): –Creates simple text box that accepts a single line of text When used with a text box, the value attribute –specifies text to be used as the default value at the moment a form first loads

7 Password Boxes An element with a type of “password” ( ): –Creates a password box that is used for entering passwords or other types of sensitive data –Each character that a user types in a password box appears as an asterisk or bullet

8 Radio Buttons An element with a type of “radio” ( ): –Creates a group of radio buttons, or option buttons, from which the user can select only one value To create a group of radio buttons: –All radio buttons in the group must have the same name attribute

9 Radio Buttons (Cont.) Each radio button requires a value attribute: –Identifies unique value associated with that button Only one selected radio button in a group creates a name=value pair when a form is submitted to a Web server

10 Check Boxes An element with a type of “checkbox” ( ): –Creates a box that can be set to Yes (checked) or No (unchecked) Use check boxes: –When you want users to select whether or not to include a certain item –Or to allow users to select multiple values from a list of items

11 Check Boxes (Cont.) Include checked attribute in a check box element: –To set the initial value of the check box to Yes –If a check box is selected (checked) when a form is submitted Check box name=value pair is included in the form data –If a check box is not selected, a name=value pair is not included in the data submitted from the form

12 Selection Lists The element creates a selection list: –Presents users with fixed lists of options from which to choose –Options displayed in a selection list are created with elements

13 Selection Lists (Cont.) The element must appear within a block- level element such as the element The selection list can appear as –an actual list of choices –a dropdown menu Depending on the number of options in the list, a selection list can also include a scroll bar

14 Submit Buttons An element with a type of “submit” ( ): –Creates a submit button that transmits a form’s data to a Web server The action attribute of the element that creates the form determines to what URL the form is submitted

15 Reset Buttons An element with a type of “reset” ( ): –Creates a reset button that clears all form entries and resets each form element to the initial value specified by its value attribute Name attribute for a reset button is not required Text assigned to the reset button’s value attribute appears as the button label

16 TEXT FIELD Text Fields defines a one-line input field that a user can enter text into: First name: Last name: How the HTML code above looks in a browser: First name: Last name: Note: The form itself is not visible. Also note that the default width of a text field is 20 characters.

17 Password Password Field defines a password field: Password: How the HTML code above looks in a browser: Password: Note: The characters in a password field are masked (shown as asterisks or circles). Password Field defines a password field: Password: How the HTML code above looks in a browser: Password: Note: The characters in a password field are masked (shown as asterisks or circles).

18 Radio Buttons defines a radio button. Radio buttons let a user select ONLY ONE of a limited number of choices: Male Female How the HTML code above looks in a browser: Male Female

19 Checkboxes defines a checkbox. Checkboxes let a user select ZERO or MORE options of a limited number of choices. I have a bike I have a car How the HTML code above looks in a browser: I have a bike I have a car


21 Example First name: Last name: email: Male Female

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