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Today’s Targets – Chapter 15.3 Lincoln’s Election & Southern Secession

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2 Today’s Targets – Chapter 15.3 Lincoln’s Election & Southern Secession
Explain how the 1860 election divided the country Describe the causes & effects of Southern states secession Define “Platform” – a statement of beliefs Secede – to withdraw from the Union

3 Today’s Targets – Chapter 15.3
Lincoln’s election Explain how the 1860 election divided the country Describe the causes & effects of Southern states secession Define “Platform” – a statement of beliefs Secede – to withdraw from the Union

4 Supporters Reasons for support Allowed to take slave to any state or terr. & protected by Const. Proslavery forces Antislavery forces Neither X 1. Dred Scott Decision Proslavery wanted absolute protection & antislavery wanted to prevent expansion Proslavery forces Antislavery forces Neither X Douglas, in the Lincoln-Douglas debates X Proslavery forces Antislavery forces Neither He wanted to prevent slavery from moving into the territories Lincoln, in the Lincoln-Douglas debates X Proslavery force Antislavery forces Neither X Saw it as an act of rebellion 4. John Brown’s hanging

5 Chapter 15.3 – Lincoln’s Election

6 Today’s Targets – Chapter 15.3
Lincoln’s election Read “One American’s Story” p. 499 What is “life or death?” And now The candidates for President in 1860

7 A reaction to Lincoln’s election: page 499
“The excitement was very great. Everybody was talking at the same time. One, a little more moved than the others, stood up and said despondently (sadly): ‘The die is cast; no more vain regrets; sad forebodings are useless; the stake is life or death.’ “ Mary Chestnut, A Diary from Dixie A northern or southern perspective?

8 1860 Presidential Election
? ? Who Am I ? A B 1860 Presidential Election ? ? C D

9 1860 Presidential Election
√ Abraham Lincoln Republican John Bell Constitutional Union 1860 Presidential Election John C. Breckinridge Southern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas Northern Democrat

10 1860 Presidential Election
√ Abraham Lincoln Republican John Bell Constitutional Union 1860 Presidential Election John C. Breckinridge Southern Democrat Stephen A. Douglas Northern Democrat

11 Election of 1860 Candidate Platform Supporters Party Those opposed to
slavery Abraham Lincoln Opposed expansion of slavery 1. Republican 2. Northern Democrats Stephen Douglas Popular Sovereignty Some northerners White southerners & slaveholders 3. Southern Democrats Opposed limits on slavery John Breckinridge border states & those that want to preserve the Union 4. Constitutional Union John Bell Preserve the Union

12 1860 Election: A Nation Coming Apart?!

13 “Lincoln Rides the Republican Party Platform
of 1860”

14 Republican Party Platform in 1860
No expansion of slavery Protective tariff Protect the rights for immigrants Government aid to build a Pacific RR Internal improvements at federal expense. Free homesteads (land) for the public

15 “Lincoln Rides the Republican Party Platform
of 1860”

16 1860 Election: 3 “Outs” & 1 ”Run!”

17 1860 Election: A Nation Coming Apart?!

18 1860 Election: “Lincoln Winning the race”!

19 1860 Election Results

20 Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860

21 Views regarding secession
Southerners Northerners Believed that the states had voluntarily joined the Union Believed the states had no right to secede - unconstitutional Therefore, they thought the south did not want to accept the results of the 1860 election (democracy) Believed that was their state’s right to leave the Union

22 Republican Party Platform in 1860 Begin 30:20 – Republicn party
Abraham Lincoln video Begin 30:20 – Republicn party

23 Crittenden Compromise: A Last Ditch Appeal to Sanity
Senator John J. Crittenden (KY) A rehashing of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 12) Congress should not abolish slavery in slave states 13) Bill fails in the senate

24 Fort Sumter: April 12, 1861

25 Secession!: SC Dec. 20, 1860

26 Fear that slavery would expand into the territories won from Mexico
Event Northern Reaction Southern Reaction Fear that slavery would expand into the territories won from Mexico Desire to extend slavery into territory taken from Mexico War with Mexico 1846 ( ) Wilmot Proviso 1846 Supported the proviso, Founding of Free-soil party Feared that more free states Would be created and upset the Balance of power; blocked by Southern senators. (Outlawed slavery in Mexican terr.) Relief that California is a free state; outrage over Fugitive Slave Act. Compromise of 1850 Relief that slavery not banned in Mexican Cession; satisfied With Fugitive Slave Act Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852 Novel becomes highly Popular; sympathy for Slaves; more determined to Abolish slavery Southerners believe it is unfair and gives false impression of slavery

27 Northern Reaction Southern Reaction Event Supported popular sovereignty which allowed people to vote for slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Anger over repeal of Missouri Compromise Because of popular sovereignty Whig Party splits Over Kansas-Neb.Act 1854 Because of slavery, Northern Whigs join other groups to form the Republican Party Southern Whigs join the Democratic Party in Support of slavery Pleased with the election of Republican Abraham Lincoln Election of 1860 Seven southern states Secede from the Union

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