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Preparing Students for Online Learning Web-Enhanced, Hybrid and Fully-Online Courses.

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Presentation on theme: "Preparing Students for Online Learning Web-Enhanced, Hybrid and Fully-Online Courses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparing Students for Online Learning Web-Enhanced, Hybrid and Fully-Online Courses

2 What Students Need to Succeed in the Online Environment NeedFully OnlineWeb-Enhanced and Hybrid Basic Computer SkillsXX Ability to Use WebCT Course ToolsXX Well-designed and navigable course materials that do no interfere with the learning process XX An Understanding of how WebCT will be used in the course XX Clear directions regarding online activities and assignments XX An understanding of what taking a fully-online course is like X

3 Meeting Student Needs Online resources for students WebCT Login Page WebCT PreCourse Introduction to Online Learning (For-Credit Course) Standard Course Templates

4 WebCT Login page: Resources for new online learners who: 1) Are considering Taking an Online Course 2) Have already registered for their First Online Course 3) Need to access the library, student services, and other important University information online.

5 WebCT Login Page ( )

6 WebCT Pre-Course A free, non-credit ‘Pre-course’ is available to all students taking online courses A one-week course Begins two weeks prior to start of trimester Provides opportunity for students to learn and use WebCT tools prior to their courses going ‘live’ Pre-course is facilitated to answer student questions and provide assistance with any problems they encounter

7 The Pre-Course contains “lessons”: What traits you need to be successful Learning style self-evaluation Hardware requirements Browser checks Explanation and practice use of WebCT tools It’s moderated and interactive: students post as they would in a “real” course.

8 WebCT PreCourse ( (log in using fsiguest for user id and password)

9 “Introduction to Online Learning” Two-Credit Course Goes beyond the identification and use of Course Tools to develop skills and strategies for Online research Collaborative learning Collaborative conferencing and communication skills.

10 Introduction to Online Learning

11 Standard Course Templates Student experiences the same basic structure with each course s/he takes at GSU. Easy to find key links Needed resources are automatically included without faculty needing to do anything special

12 Standard Course Shell

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