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The Consequences of the Cold War Warm Up Write down as many reasons for the Cold War ending as you can think of. (Yes I know we did this the other day,

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Presentation on theme: "The Consequences of the Cold War Warm Up Write down as many reasons for the Cold War ending as you can think of. (Yes I know we did this the other day,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Consequences of the Cold War Warm Up Write down as many reasons for the Cold War ending as you can think of. (Yes I know we did this the other day, but it’s good revision!)

2 Reasons the Cold War ended 1979 invasion of Afghanistan The Presidency of Ronald Reagan Mikhail Gorbachev – Perestrokia (competition in business) + Glasnost (openess) The cost of the arms race The communist economy was inefficient and out of date Almost all of the people of Eastern Europe and Russia were poorer than most of the poorest people in the capitalist West. The Soviet system of government was corrupt and out of date. People were dissatisfied with the continued censorship and the police state and the Soviets wouldn’t/couldn’t use their army to crush opposition due to their economy relying on the west for trade and loans. The impact of the Solidarity movement

3 The Consequences of the Cold War Tasks 1.Read the key information on the consequences of the Cold War 2.Sort them into ‘Positive Consequences’ and ‘Negative Consequences’ (highlight as some positive and negatives in same one) 3.Use the iPads, and your own knowledge to add to them 4.Create an essay plan/spider diagram for the following: ‘Political instability in Eastern Europe was the main consequence of the collapse of Soviet power there.’ How far do you agree? The information in front of you is basic. You need to add to this. You need to focus – this is an area which could come up in your exam.

4 Economic Problems Explanation: The economies of the old Eastern Bloc countries were not ready for the end of communism. Their industries, agriculture and other businesses were not used to being part of a capitalist economy, where they had to compete against others. They were like an athlete who has been training alone, but is suddenly put in an Olympic training group. Many struggled to keep up. As a result, life was hard for many citizens of former communist countries during the 1990s. Some people began to feel that life under communism had actually been better; in a few countries, the Communist Party began to win back votes. Key A* Facts from iPads: Illegal weapons sales Explanation: When the Cold War ended, many countries had huge stockpiles of weapons. In wealthy places such as the USA and many western European countries, these weapons were either decommissioned (destroyed) or kept secure. But in former communist countries this was not always the case. Weapons were sold illegally as a way of raising money. To this day, some are being used by criminals or terrorists. Key A* Facts from iPads: Instability and Conflict Explanation: The end of the Cold War meant that both sides stopped supporting their allies around the world. In some places, this had a negative effect. Strong leaders were weakened, which gave their rivals a chance to challenge them. In the Middle East, Islamic extremists such as Al Qaeda and Islamic State have flourished, as strong regimes in Iraq, Syria etc. have crumbled. The break-up of the USSR has led to instability and conflict in countries that were once part of the USSR, such as Ukraine and Georgia/South Ossetia. The conflicts are over how much control Russia should have. Key A* Facts from iPads: Technology Explanation: Technological development during the Cold War was focused on weapons, but many of the developments that happened also had peacetime uses. Computers, comfortable athletic shoes, treatment for cancer, satellite TV, medical scanners, joysticks for games consoles and many more everyday products were developed as a result of the Cold War. Key A* Facts from iPads:

5 Politics and International Relations Explanation: Some Cold War organisations, such as NATO, still exist. Today, NATO has been joined by some former Eastern Bloc countries. NATO’s recent roles have included peacekeeping missions and campaigns to limit the spread of weapons of mass destruction. Also set up during the Cold War was the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Today, this has been signed by 190 countries. They work together to stop the spread of nuclear weapons, and encourage countries that do have them to disarm. Key A* Facts from iPads: New countries after 1989 (Find some examples of new countries that have developed after the breakup of the Eastern Bloc) New democracies and nations Explanation : Under communism, Eastern Bloc countries were controlled by the USSR. They could not act independently: when Hungary tried in 1956, the USSR invaded. After 1989, Eastern Bloc countries became democracies. They had a choice of political parties, and people could elect whatever government they wanted. When the USSR itself broke apart in 1991, 15 new countries were formed. Key A* Facts from iPads: Culture Explanation: The Cold War still inspires artists and writers today. Since 2000, for example, there have been film versions of the classic Cold War spy novel Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, and four big TV series set in the Cold War (The Americans, Allegiance, The Game and The Company). The James Bond films, inspired by the books set in the Cold War, such as From Russia With Love have also been incredibly popular. Cold War-era art by artists such as Andy Warhol remains popular. Key A* Facts from iPads:

6 Civil War in Yugoslavia Explanation: There had been violence in former Soviet states as different groups battled to take control after the fall of communism. However, the worst violence occurred in what had been Yugoslavia. Tito had held together an explosive mixture of Serbs, Croats and Muslims, but communist control collapsed in 1990. The following year, the Serbs refused to accept a Croat as their leader and both Slovenia and Croatia declared independence. During the civil war which followed, the Serbian government used ‘ethnic cleansing’ to remove non-Serbs from mainly Serb areas, either by relocation, internment or execution. 20,000 Muslim and Croat women were raped. The UN brokered a ceasefire in Croatia in 1992. It was the first of many in the region, but 40,000 troops failed to keep the peace. NATO forces then launched air-strikes against Serbia in 1995 after the Serbs refused to surrender any Bosnian territory, eventually leading to a peace agreement which created separate states for Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia. Key A* Facts from iPads and your own knowledge: Post-Cold War Mood in Eastern Europe Explanation: A poll early in 1993 showed that over half of the people in the former USSR thought that they had been better off under communism. About 70% in Eastern Europe were not satisfied with democracy. 10% wanted to emigrate to the West. Many have taken the opportunity to emigrate from former Soviet bloc countries such as Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic, who all joined the EU in May 2004. Key A* Facts from iPads:

7 Were the consequences of the Cold War mainly Positive or Negative? Put your thumb up if you think they were mostly positive. Put your thumb down if you think they were mostly negative. Be prepared to back up your decision with a key point/reason.

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