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Should you have any questions about this half term or year ahead please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Harness and Miss Allen.

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Presentation on theme: "Should you have any questions about this half term or year ahead please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Harness and Miss Allen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Should you have any questions about this half term or year ahead please do not hesitate to contact us. Mrs. Harness and Miss Allen

2 Fiction and Poetry i)Poems based on observation and the senses. Calligrams and shape poems. ii)Narrative setting – stories with familiar settings. iii)Narrative dialogue – use of dialogue within a story setting. iv)Plays – oral and written plays Non-Fiction i)Understanding the difference between fact and fiction. ii)Reports – Non- Chronological reports – making a simple record of info. from texts read. Place Value, ordering, rounding. Understanding x and ÷. Money and ‘real life’ problems. Fractions, Multiplication and Division Handling Data. Shape and space. Reasoning about shapes. Measures. Position, movement and Scales. Mental and paper strategies for + and -. Number patterns and sequences. Finding out about different rainforests and plants. Investigating where different animals and plants live in the rainforest. Finding out why plants have leaves. Finding out the best conditions to grow a plant. Finding out about rainforest fruits and seeds. Growing our own plants from seeds.

3 Designing a recipe for making our own fruit drinks Planning and performing our own rainforest dance Life of Jesus Using CD Roms and the Internet to support our research. Using ICT to organise and present our work. Making face paint designs Look at body art Composing our own rainforest music Finding out where rainforests are in the word Finding out which rainforest products we use in everyday lives Comparing the ways which rainforest people live with our own lives Finding out how and why the rainforest is being destroyed Discovering the ways that people are trying to save the rainforest How different countries help to protect the rainforest

4 Thursday to be handed in on Monday Daily reading of six pages per night. For your child’s pirate to move across the Islands please read: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday One of either Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Times tables test is every fortnight, please help your child to learn their relevant times table. P.E. kit should be in school at all times. (red/white t-shirt/polo shirt and black shorts/skirt – black pumps) P.E. kits will be sent home for washing at the end of every half term. Children will be informed of any lunchtime or after school clubs when they begin. Over the next six weeks we are following a theme that focuses on ‘The Rainforests’. This unit is part of the International Primary curriculum (IPC).

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