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DNA in the Courtroom By: Ashlybeth Diaz Alexandra Bunting.

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1 DNA in the Courtroom By: Ashlybeth Diaz Alexandra Bunting

2 What is DNA?? Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Contains genetic instructions Structure o Double Helix made up of nucleotides o Nitrogen bases, phosphate groups, sugars 4 nitrogen bases o adenine o thymine o guanine o cytosine

3 DNA Sequence Base Pairing Adenine-Thymine Cytosine- Guanine Importance Allows enzymes to attach the correct base to the new strand of DNA.

4 How accurate is DNA? Highly One case: odds of incorrect 350 million to 1 most accurate for identifying individuals as well as relatives more available DNA testing has led to the exoneration of more than 200 wrongfully convicted individuals in the U.S.

5 How is DNA Collected? CSI wear gloves throughout the entire collection process Work on the body to find evidence Saliva or blood collected with swab The crime scene is dusted for fingerprints Paper bags are used to place wet evidence o bloody clothes o bed linens o pillows, rugs o other items saturated with body fluids

6 DNA Evidence Blood Hair Saliva Body Fluids Tearing to the Skin Finger nails Teeth Finger prints

7 DNA Founders Gregor Mendel Frederick Griffith Oswald Avery Erwin Chargaff Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins James Watson & Francis Crick

8 Forensic DNA Testing PCR Analysis o Polymerase chain reaction- used to make millions of exact copies of DNA from a biological sample STR Analysis o Short tandem repeat technology is used to evaluate specific regions within nuclear DNA. It distinguishes one DNA profile from another.

9 Works Cited "DNA Evidence - Legal History Of Dna Evidence." Google. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.. "DNA Forensics." Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.. Hoffman, Chelsea. "How Accurate Is DNA Testing? |" EHow | How To Do Just About Everything! | How To Videos & Articles. Web. 09 Mar. 2011.. Riley, Donald E. "DNA Testing: An Introduction for Non- Scientists." Scientific Testimony - An Online Journal. Web. 09 Mar. 2011..

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