Scrum BUT Research Adapting Agile principles in a research environment Gary Morgan Chief Science and Technology Office March 16, 2009 PNNL-SA-64966.

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Presentation on theme: "Scrum BUT Research Adapting Agile principles in a research environment Gary Morgan Chief Science and Technology Office March 16, 2009 PNNL-SA-64966."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scrum BUT Research Adapting Agile principles in a research environment Gary Morgan Chief Science and Technology Office March 16, 2009 PNNL-SA-64966

2 Battelle at a glance $4 billion total revenue 20,400 staff (includes labs) 30+ scientific user facilities A leader in technology development and lab management

3 PNNL: a national treasure in the Northwest Proudly operated by Battelle since 1965 More than 4,200 staff Unique capabilities Mission-driven collaborations with government, industry and universities We deliver solutions to America's most intractable problems in energy, national security and the environment. Through the power of our interdisciplinary teams, we advance science and technology to make the world a better place. Washington, D.C.

4 The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) PNNL Campus Hanford Nuclear Reservation

5 $30M in laboratory directed research and development (LDRD) $1.1 billion in 2008 sales PNNL is DOE-SC’s most diversified lab

6 LDRD Initiatives Aerosol Climate Biomolecular Systems Carbon Management Carbon Sequestration Catalysis Data Intensive Computing Electricity Infrastructure Operations Energy Conversions Environmental Biomarkers Explosives Detection Extreme Scale Computing Information and Infrastructure Integrity Microbial Communities Next Generation Proteomics Measurement Sustainable Nuclear Power Technosocial Predictive Analytics Transformational Materials

7 Using the principles of Scrum to accelerate “Science to Solutions” Increase research initiative performance Attract earlier programmatic funding Improve partnerships between government and industry Accelerate deployment Connect initiative outcomes to market needs Reduce complexity using scrum of Scrums Enhance self-organizing teams Move our laboratory science to field deployed solutions Iterative early delivery of market valued deliverables Enables idea’s for public-private partnerships for deployment Combined investments reduces each parties risk

8 Shortened Time Frames Early Capability Results & Future State Basic Research Deployment Applied Research Capability Development Use-Inspired Research Early ideas for public / private partnerships Early results fed to clients – results of feedback adjusts research agenda Reduce the Client Funding Gap Reduce the Valley of Death Interactive teaming with early feedback from potential clients

9 Client Connectivity Vector

10 The Paradigm Shift Constraints Estimates The Plan creates cost/schedule estimates Scope ScheduleBudget Plan Driven PMBOK ScheduleBudget Features Value /Vision Driven The Vision creates feature estimates Agile

11 The Agile process in a PMBOK world Scope Schedule Budget

12 Challenges in our Research Environment Staffing Resources Some teams consist of only 1+ scientists with a wide scope of unique expertise One FTE may be 3-4 individuals Team members are typically not co-located

13 Initiative Leader Team Leader Facilitator Cycle, Gate... ~ 90 days Research Agenda or Hypothesis Stack Product Owner ScrumMaster Sprint Sprint length Product Backlog SCRUM PNNL Terminology =

14 Pilot: Three initiatives injecting Agile differently Initiative for Explosives Detection (IED) IED will deliver a new science base of explosives detection technologies and capabilities for PNNL This new capability will enable our clients in DOE, DOD, DHS and the Intelligence Community to deploy new science based IED solutions into field operations Information Infrastructure Integrity Initiative Create a new and fundamentally different approach, methods and tools for cyber- security and information integrity that is predictive and adaptive rather than reactive. Enable PNNL to provide revolutionary, next-generation information integrity solutions for all mission areas. Technosocial Predictive Analytics Provide decision making through integration of human and physical models, leveraging insights from social and natural sciences Establish a new Predictive Analytics science that has a unique multidisciplinary focus enabling reasoning across human and physical factors.

15 Pilot: Application of Scrum principles Traditional Initiative StructurePerfect for a Scrum of Scrums Advisors Project Teams Focus Areas Lead Technical Team Scrum Focus Area Leader Project Teams Visionary Leadership Scrum Initiative Leader Advisory Committee Focus Areas Leads

16 Lessons Learned Many team members, spread across multiple disciplines and geographically dispersed Some project are too small to team Frequent iterations (4x per year vs. 1x) provide much better interactions with perspective clients The Sprint planning meetings and Retrospectives – provide good team building – we used to do more “facilitated planning meetings” – Scrum replaces those Involving the “whole team” is important – Admin, Marketing, Finance, etc. Pushes the Initiative Leader to really “own” the vision

17 Benefits and Impacts Accelerating: “Deployment of Science-based Solutions” Increased Lab Initiative performance and impact Increased ability to attract earlier programmatic sponsors Increased, measurable ROI from Lab initiatives Enhanced opportunity for partnering between Government and Industry Shortened timeframe for deployment of new technologies

18 Gary Morgan – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Chief Science and Technology Office Thank you

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