Grade: 8 Theme: Oxford University School: Ismailly city,school №1 Teacher: Aziza Isgandarova.

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Presentation on theme: "Grade: 8 Theme: Oxford University School: Ismailly city,school №1 Teacher: Aziza Isgandarova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade: 8 Theme: Oxford University School: Ismailly city,school №1 Teacher: Aziza Isgandarova

2 Theme: Oxford university Aim: To teach new words; To increase the students’ lexics. To create information about Oxford Universitry To encourage the students to learn much

3 Integration:history,geography. Form of the work: group work. Method: ZiqZaq Resours:text book, teacher’s book, handouts, pictures, computer.

4 The Summary of the Lesson

5 Motivation What University would you like to study?

6 Researching questions: Try to understand the meaning of the words by definitions.

7 self –contained [‘selfk ə nteind]– not depending Quadrangles [kwo’dr ə eglz]—a figure which has for sides Meadow [‘medou]—it is a field which has grass and flowers growing in it Spectacular [spek’t ə ekjul ə ]—impressive

8 Oxford University



11 Magdalen College

12 Magdalen Fellows’ Garden


14 Christ Church College


16 Some scenes of the famous film Harry Potter was made in the big hall of Chirst Church College.


18 St.Mary the Virgin Church





23 The Meadows in front of Christ Church

24 Notable members



27 Questions about the text  What can you say about the history of Oxford University? What do you know about Magdalen College? What can you inform us about Christ Church College? How many ministers has it produced? What can you say about meadows which are in front of Christ Church?

28 Results The University dating from the 12 th century. Magdalen College is founded in 1458. The College has 15 th century quadrangles and a famous bell-tower dating from 1508,from which a choir sings at 6 a.m. every May Day morning. Christ Church College was founded in 1525 by Cardinal Wolsey. In the last 200 years has produced 16 British prime ministers. Christ Church Cathedral is the smallest in England, but the largest in Oxford.

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