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Presentation on theme: "QUALIFIED LEADERSHIP FOR THE CHURCH (1) Ecclesiology."— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION  From government we move to leadership – government describes how a church is organized; leadership describes the officers who administer the governing authority of the local church.

3 NECESSITY OF LEADERSHIP “Whatever be a person’s or organization’s preferences concerning the classes of leadership, no one can deny that leadership was considered necessary in New Testament churches.”  Early date: relief funds sent from Antioch to elders of Jerusalem (Ac 11.29)  Paul appointed elders almost immediately in church-planting ministry (Ac 14.23)  Jerusalem council called, conducted, concluded by leaders (Ac 15)

4 NECESSITY OF LEADERSHIP  Elders and deacons considered part of normal picture of church life (Ac 20.17; Phil 1.1)  Paul considered elders necessary for proper church function (Titus 1.5)  Leadership considered one of the spiritual gifts that functions in churches (Rm 12.8; Heb 13.7, 17)

5 CLASSES OF LEADERSHIP  Bishops, elders, pastors  Paul told Titus to appoint elders but then described them as bishops (Titus 1.5-7)  Paul called the elders of Ephesus and described their function as overseers (bishops) and pastors (Ac 20.17, 28)  Paul lists qualifications for bishops and deacons but not for elders (1 Tim 3.1-13) though the church had elders (1 Tim 5.17)  Paul writes to bishops and deacons (Phil 1.1) but not to elders

6 CLASSES OF LEADERSHIP  All agree that there is a secondary office: deacons  Not all agree that a church must have deacons  Size of ministry may dictate need for deacons (Ac 6.1-6)

7 DISTINCTION BETWEEN GIFTS AND OFFICES  A gift is not the same thing as the office  Pastoral gift vs. pastorate (office)  All are given gifts, not all hold office

8 DISTINCTION BETWEEN GIFTS AND OFFICES  Men and women  Women are mentioned as having the same gifts as men except apostleship  Women may be able (gifted) to shepherd others, but are not granted pastoral office (1 Tim 2.12)  Both pastors and deacons must be men (husbands of one wife) (1 Tim 3)

9 DISTINCTION BETWEEN GIFTS AND OFFICES  In and out of church  Gifts can be exercised outside the local church (evangelism, for example)  Offices function only within the context of the local church

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