Why Partner? Collaborators versus Competitors The Need SBISD-KIPP-YES Similarities SKY Partnership Synergy and Collaboration Defining Success Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Partner? Collaborators versus Competitors The Need SBISD-KIPP-YES Similarities SKY Partnership Synergy and Collaboration Defining Success Agenda."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why Partner? Collaborators versus Competitors The Need SBISD-KIPP-YES Similarities SKY Partnership Synergy and Collaboration Defining Success Agenda

3 SKY Partners

4 Charter Schools and Traditional School Districts: Historic Perceptions


6 The Need: KIPP and YES Prep Partner with organizations with our same values and beliefs Facilities to accommodate waitlist Learn to efficiently lead and manage a growing and large public system of schools Partner for operational services to more efficiently serve students Learn and grow, share best practices, and drive innovation

7 Partner with organizations with our same values and beliefs Increase Spring Branch market share Provide alternatives to families on Spring Branch’s charter school waitlist Increase use of under-utilized campuses Enhance quality extracurricular programs Meet Spring Branch Plan goal Learn and grow, share best practices, and drive innovation The Need: Spring Branch

8 Similarities KIPP Mission To develop in underserved students the academic skills, intellectual habits, and qualities of character necessary to succeed at all levels of pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, college, and the competitive world beyond. Spring Branch Plan: T-2-4 By 2017, SBISD will double the number of students completing a technical certificate, two-year degree or four-year degree. YES Prep YES Prep Public Schools exists to increase the number of low- income Houstonians who graduate from a four-year college prepared to compete in the global marketplace and committed to improving disadvantaged communities

9 Structure 2011 - 2016 Landrum Middle School & KIPP Courage (Schools Co-Located) Northbrook Middle School & YES Prep Northbrook (Schools Co-Located)

10 Structure 2016 and Beyond Northbrook High School & YES Prep Northbrook (Schools Co-Located in 2016-2017)

11 Structure (cont.) Principals - Year One – KIPP Courage / Landrum Middle School Luis Pratts, SBISD Eric Schmidt, KIPP – YES Prep / Northbrook Middle School Valerie Johnson, SBISD Melanie Singleton, YES Cendie Stanford, YES

12 Structure (cont.) Partnership Structure – Steering Committee 2-5 leaders from each organization – Executive Steering Committee 2 leaders from each organization – Project Manager – Working Groups 6 Working Groups Based on Functional Areas Multiple Sub-Groups/Committees

13 Timeline & Milestones January 2011: Chris Barbic, Mike Feinberg, and Duncan Klussmann sign initial MOU for a potential partnership May 2011: YES Prep, KIPP, and Spring Branch begin work on a partnership compact for the Gates Foundation July 2011: SKY Partnership steering committee is formed and develops working groups to brainstorm partnership specifics October 2011: Working groups convene first all-member presentation and joint working session December 2011: Awarded $100K Gates Compact Planning Grant February 2012: RFP due to Gates Foundation; legal counsel and working groups complete contract review process March/April 2012: Board approval of SKY Contract

14 Principal and teacher collaboration KIPP School Leadership Program KIPP Leadership Development Forum YES Teaching Excellence Alternative Certification Program Collaboration in preparing for STAAR and EOC State advocacy Joint pilots to study blended learning techniques New IT platform to share data Collaboration to create new digital textbooks Economies of scale Synergy & Collaboration

15 T-2-4 More kids to and through college Defining Success

16 Cute picture of dog and cat cuddling?

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