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My name is Rita Wraggs. I have a son named Qu’Garrious and he is eight year ago. I have thirteen niece and nephew including thirteen sister and brother.

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Presentation on theme: "My name is Rita Wraggs. I have a son named Qu’Garrious and he is eight year ago. I have thirteen niece and nephew including thirteen sister and brother."— Presentation transcript:


2 My name is Rita Wraggs. I have a son named Qu’Garrious and he is eight year ago. I have thirteen niece and nephew including thirteen sister and brother. You can see I have been teach for some year through my sons, sisters, nieces and nephews. I have a interview for 2 nd grade lead teacher in Elementary School. Albert Einstein quote “Everyone is unique individual.”

3 FREEDOM TO EXPRESSION THEM SELF The child’s will learn the cognitive, social, physical, emotion development through their senses. My philosophy follow Albert Einstein and Maria Montessori theory supports and allows children to play time, hand-on activities, practice life skills, and freedom to expressing themselves that encourage the children to grows and be independence. Playing is a part of life challenges and children need to be free to move and learn in all areas of development. Everyone is a child at heart so we can learn better through play and hand on experiences. Einstein once said that information of the problem is often more important than the solution (TED 2012).

4 Understanding what it means to manage a classroom begins with knowing its purpose (Newman, 2013 4.1). In my classroom of 2 nd grade students will be safe, quality, and opportunity for all students. I have high expectation for my student to make the curriculum for their interest of every individual students by experience, background, abilities, and cultural. My rules and expectation have picture to make it easily to understand for my student. I want my student to feel comfortable and eager to learn and expression them. I will teach a open-ended art to let the children explore and experience life. It gives the children hand-on experience with real objects, deal with problem-solving, and successful participation at any skill level and age. The student was be on time, ready to learn, follow rules and expectation in class. They will show each other respect and kindness.

5 Rules/Happy Sticks: Follow Directions Raise Hands Remain Seated Respect Others Always try your best Reward for following ruler: Happy stick = High Five Happy stick = sticker Happy stick = cookie Happy stick = candy Happy stick = treasure Consequence/Sad Sticks: One sad stick = warning Two sad sticks = time out Three sad sticks = no recess Four or more sad sticks= note home/office Children can express their emotions and following simple rule, routine, and direction. Children can be independence in decision what activities they want to do.

6 “Passions and insights are reality” (TED 2012). “Children need to know it is a great thing to follow their passions” (TED 2006). Every school has challenged for the children to achieve their own potential. Many school are still learning the traditional classrooms ways with teacher and white board in front of the classroom to large number of students. They use same textbook and technology to do research paper. Teacher is give lecture why student is bored out of the mind with work sheet and activities to practice their work. The students have face to face communication when they have a question and confuse about a subject. Head Starts will educate their students about values and use of statistics in a contemporary and dynamic matter by let the young children explore and experience by expressing through art, activities, and free time the play. Fair Elementary School take away the expression and but Reading and Math as the main goals to achieve in life and school through test, quiz, and worksheets but they do have playtime. I will my student to use traditional classroom with flipped classroom because children learn better by experience and hand-on and with technology. The children can help more by doing in classroom and practice at home.

7 The student will learn individual and collaboration together in activities through differences learning styles. Children should think provoking and challenging the mind of other children. Children are giving the journey to discovering in an open mind environment to being and becoming the learner of tomorrow. The lesson plan should have a goal, objectives, standards, materials, additional learning goals, assessment tasks, continue the learn process, rationale and teacher expectation for their student. The important of the design of lesson can be effective leadership depends, developing clearing objective with enough to measure the process of students, critical and clear planning instruction, and no common pitfalls.

8 I believe a dramatic play a big part of make believed for children that make children interests knowledge for the reality of the world. It gives them intellectual development. Children need to fell safe and freedom to explore, discover, and play in the self. Dramatic paly can be arranging in role-playing, puppetry, and fantasy plays that for real- life situations. Children can paint to express to feeling of the children.

9 I will have a good assessment for student that encourage and give the student knowledge by gained awareness of self and planning through activities for an individual child. I can observation, portfolios, project, test, and other source that can help the children process through what they have learn. I will process all the student s work for parents to see their process of improve and achievement. Children will have the knowledge use to describe what they see, hear, and feel. Children will work in group and individual to see what they have learn. I will see how the children are eager to learn in forth of the classroom by having the children do work on the board. The children will have homework everyday but not on special days.

10 It is guidelines curriculum content and practice serving young children in needs and interests by physical motion, cognitive, intellectual, language, and social development. It teaching a open-ended art to let the children explore and experience life. It gives the children hand-on experience with real objects, deal with problem-solving, and successful participation at any skill level and age.

11 While your professional growth can and should include taking continuing education courses, attending professional development conferences, seeking ideas from books, the Internet, workshops, and others with whom you share a professional relationship, one of the most effective ways to ensure continual growth is to find mechanisms within your school (Newman, 2013, 13.3). While finding time to collaborate may seem like common sense, it is easy to get caught up in the volume of responsibilities that come with the job and forget that professional development does not stop with the awarding of a degree or the acceptance of a teaching job (Newman, 2013, 13.3). Teacher can get advice for other teacher and leader of school systems. Professional Learning Communities is about shared beliefs, values, and vision, supportive leadership and conditions, collective learning and application, share personal practices. Students pick the teacher of the month. They will be reward for a great job and positive environment. They can have one on one meeting with staff and also as a group. I expect to see teacher working together trying to find a good ways to teach, give advice about teach, ask questions and finding good situation for the students.

12 Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.Teaching and learning in the 21st century: Connecting the dots TED. (2006, June). Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity [Video file]. Retrieved from tivity.html Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity TED. (2012, October 17). Stop stealing dreams: Seth Godin at TEDxYouth@BFS [Video file]. Retrieved from Seth-GodinStop stealing dreams: Seth Godin at TEDxYouth@BFS

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