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JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Figure 18.1Urinary Sysstem URINARY SYSTEM - Excretory System - composed of organs that excrete water and waste excrete water and.

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Presentation on theme: "JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Figure 18.1Urinary Sysstem URINARY SYSTEM - Excretory System - composed of organs that excrete water and waste excrete water and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Figure 18.1Urinary Sysstem URINARY SYSTEM - Excretory System - composed of organs that excrete water and waste excrete water and waste products in the form of products in the form of urine urine ORGANS: 1.Kidneys (2) 2.Ureters (2) 3.Urinary Bladder 4.Urethra

3 Kidney - paired, reddish brown, retroperitoneal bean- shaped organ in superior lumbar region - extends from vertebral levels T12 superiorly and L3 inferiorly

4 2 parts: 1. Cortex - outer 2. Medulla – inner - contains tubes that collect urine - these form a number of cone shaped structures called renal pyramids - in between the pyramids are the renal columns of Bertini

5 Urethra - Tube extending from bladder to the outside - Female urethra - About 4 cm long - Urethral opening is located in front of vaginal opening in the vestibule -

6 Urethra Internal urethral sphincter Where bladder joins the urethra External urethral sphincter Surrounds the urethra distal to the internal urethral sphincter (voluntary control) Urethral meatus or orifice

7 Roots Calic/o; calyc/o - calix; calyx Caliceal-pertaining to the calyces Caliectasis-dilation of the calyx 7

8 8 Roots Catheter/osomething inserted Catheterization-process of inserting a flexible tube into a body cavity for the purpose of removing fluid

9 9 Roots Corpor/obody Extracorporeal-pertaining to outside the body

10 Roots Cortic/o- cortex ; outer layer Cortical-pertaining to the cortex 10

11 11 Roots Cyst/obladder Cystitis-inflammation of the bladder

12 Roots Cyst/o-bladder Cystoscopy-process of visually examining the bladder Cystoscope- instrument used to visually examine the bladder 12

13 13 Roots Glomerul/oglomerulus Glomerulonephritis-inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidney Glomerulosclerosis-hardening of the glomerulus

14 Roots Lith/o-stone Lithotripsy-surgical crushing of kidney stones 14

15 Roots Lith/o-stone Nephrolithiasis- kidney stones 15

16 Roots Lith/o-stone Nephrolithotomy- process of removing kidney stones by cutting into the kidney 16

17 Roots Lith/o-stone Ureterolithiasis- stone in the ureter 17

18 Roots Lith/o-stone Cystolithiasis- stone in the urinary bladder 18

19 Roots Meat/o-meatus Meatotomy- process of cutting into the urethral meatus (to widen the meatus) 19

20 Roots Nephr/o -kidney Nephropathy- disease of the kidney Nephroptosis- drooping kidney Nephropexy- surgical fixation of the kidney 20

21 Roots Nephr/o -kidney Hydronephrosis- accumulation of fluid in the renal pelvis 21

22 Roots Pyel/o-renal pelvis Pyelonephritis- inflammation of the renal pelvis and kidney Pyelogram- record of the ureters and kidneys IVP-Intravenous pyelography 22

23 23 Roots Ren/okidney Renal-pertaining to the kidney Renal hypoplasia-underdeveloped kidney

24 Roots Ureter/o -ureter Ureteral -pertaining to the ureter Ureterectasis - stretching of the ureter Ureterostenosis - narrowing of the ureter 24

25 25 Roots Urethr/ourethra Transurethral-pertaining to through the urethra Urethrorrhagia-hemorrhaging from the urethra Urethroplasty-surgical repair of the urethra

26 26 Roots Urin/ourine Urinary-pertaining to urine Urinalysis-laboratory analysis of urine

27 27 Roots Ur/ourinary tract; urine; urination Uremia-accumulation of waste products in the blood due to loss of kidney function Urogram-record of the urinary tract Urologist-specialist in the study of the urinary system in females and the urinary and reproductive systems in males

28 28 Roots Vesic/obladder Vesicosigmoidostomy-new opening between bladder and sigmoid colon Vesicoureteral reflux-backward flow of urine from bladder to ureter

29 29 Suffixes -uriaurine; urination Anuria- no urine formation Bacteriuria- bacteria in the urine Dysuria- painful urination Hematuria- blood in the urine

30 30 Suffixes -uriaurine; urination Nocturia-frequent urination at night Oliguria-decreased urination Proteinuria-excessive amount of protein in the urine; albuminuria Pyuria-pus in the urine Polyuria-excessive urination

31 31 Prefixes In-no; not Incontinence- no control of excretory functions such as urination

32 32 Prefixes Poly-many Polycystic kidney- kidney with many cysts

33 33 Aging Kidneys become smaller and less efficient Reduced number of glomeruli Bladder shrinks and muscles weaken Urinary sphincter muscle weakens

34 34 Common Diseases Renal failure Acute renal failure-kidneys unable to filter waste products from the blood over a period of hours to days Chronic renal failure- develops over a long period of time due to chronic renal disease End-stage renal disease- kidneys function at less than 10% of their normal capacity

35 35 Common Diseases Voiding disorders Urinary incontinence- involuntary (no control) outflow of urine Urinary retention- inability of the bladder to empty completely during urination

36 36 Abbreviations ARFacute renal failure BUNblood urea nitrogen CAPDcontinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis CRFchronic renal failure Cystocystoscopic examination ESRDend-stage renal disease

37 37 Abbreviations ESWLextracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy GU genitourinary HD hemodialysis IVPintravenous pyelogram IVUintravenous urogram

38 38 Abbreviations RPretrograde pyelogram UAurinalysis UTIurinary tract infection VCUGvoiding cystourethrography


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