Chair: Prof. Romain MURENZI Senior Scholar at International Office at AAAS and Visiting Professor at University of Maryland Institute of Advanced Computer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chair: Prof. Romain MURENZI Senior Scholar at International Office at AAAS and Visiting Professor at University of Maryland Institute of Advanced Computer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chair: Prof. Romain MURENZI Senior Scholar at International Office at AAAS and Visiting Professor at University of Maryland Institute of Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS). and Visiting Professor at Howard University/Physics Department 2009 STI Global Forum Session 1: Pro-Poor Innovation for Social and Economic Development.

2 Ramesh Mashelkar: President, Global Research Alliance - STI Led Inclusive Growth: Shifting Paradigms Reinie Biesenbach, Innovation Hub, South Africa - Pro-Poor Innovation and Pro-Poor STI for Development Carlos Guaipatin, Inter-American Development Bank - Pro-poor technologies

3 PRESIDENT BARACK 0BAMA AT THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES “Since we know that the progress and prosperity of future generations will depend on what we do now to educate the next generation, today I'm announcing a renewed commitment to education in mathematics and science”

4 ■ Robert Solow, 1957: Economic Growth USA 1909 – 1949: 87.5% of output attributed to the applications of science and technology, while capital alone without technology attributes a mere 12.5%. The importance of STI for Economic Growth

5 Bill Gates - “How to keep America Competitive” For centuries people assumed that economic growth resulted from the interplay between capital and labour. Today we know that these elements are outweighed by a single critical factor, Innovation. Innovation is the source of US economic leadership and the foundation for our competitiveness in the global economy. Government investment in research, strong intellectual property laws and efficient capital markets are among the reasons that America has for decades been transforming new ideas into successful businesses” (Washington Post)

6 Questions Are there alternatives and variations on the ideas presented? What is the role of the World Bank and other development organizations in implementing and/or scaling up these ideas? What can we in this room do about this? What are the next steps that we need to consider as we incorporate these ideas into the Action Plan. In other words, what do we need to do to move from ideas to implementation?

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