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CHAPTER 5 PROTOCOL FOR SANDTRAY THERAPY SESSION. CLIENT ISSUES TO CONSIDER Young children use miniatures as ongoing play experience Older children may.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 5 PROTOCOL FOR SANDTRAY THERAPY SESSION. CLIENT ISSUES TO CONSIDER Young children use miniatures as ongoing play experience Older children may."— Presentation transcript:


2 CLIENT ISSUES TO CONSIDER Young children use miniatures as ongoing play experience Older children may create scene and then continue action Adolescents like it if therapist assures it is not just for children Adults enjoy if given explanation

3 WHEN IT SHOULD BE USED As introduction to counseling Change of pace To evaluate progress

4 WHAT TYPE OF CLIENT? Introverts (may be calming, less threatening) Hyperactive or hysterical Clients who over-verbalize- allows externalization of issues, provides boundaries Clients who rationalize- brings out emotional issues Clients who have trouble verbalizing

5 PROTOCOL Set up room- sand should be smooth and neutral. No buried objects, everything in place If you use water, set that tray up Therapist chair out of way Clear access to miniatures

6 INTRODUCE SANDTRAY AND MINIATURES Nondirective Give minimal or no directions “Here is a collection of miniatures. You may use anyof these you want. I’d like you to build a scene in the sand. It can be a scene of anything you want. Or “create your world”, “build a world”, etc.

7 Directive “Make a scene in the sand that represents how you feel when ……” Or, “make a scene about your family, including yourself, involved in an activity”

8 CLIENT CREATES SCENE “Free and protected space” Counselor is fully present, but unobtrusive. Minimal verbalization. “I would like you to finish the sandtray, and then we’ll talk. Observe the product and the process

9 OBSERVE PROCESS Ease/difficult Determined/hesitant Able/unable to be fully involved Purposeful/nonpurposeful Plans ahead/spontaneous

10 POSTCREATION Some therapists will let process stand alone and not discuss tray. Others use it for springboard for discussion Don’t interpret for client

11 DISCUSSION Visually observe the completed tray Emotionally observe the tray Evaluate the organization of the tray 1.Empty world 2.Unpeopled world 3.Closed/fenced world 4.Rigid world 5.Disorganized world 6.Aggressive world

12 IDENTIFY THEME OR METAPHOR “what is title of this scene?” Invite client to discuss

13 SANDTRAY CLEANUP Usually dismantled after client leaves so client can keep scene in mind

14 DOCUMENT With permission, take photo Photos can be used to show progress, remind client of previous work, allow further discussion

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