LEADERSHIP FOUNDATIONS. Leadership Foundations I.What is leadership?

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2 Leadership Foundations I.What is leadership?

3 Leadership Foundations

4 Leadership is: “The exercise of one’s spiritual gifts under the call of God to serve a certain group of people in achieving the goals God has given them toward the end of glorifying Christ.” - Kenneth Gangel, Feeding & Leading

5 Leadership Foundations Leadership is: “A dynamic process in which man or woman with God-given capacity influences a specific group of God’s people toward His purposes for the group.” - Robert Clinton, The Making of a Leader

6 Leadership Foundations Leadership is: “An influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their mutual purposes.” -Joseph Rost, Leadership for the Twenty-First Century

7 Leadership Foundations Leadership is: “Mobilizing people to tackle tough problems.” -Ronald A. Heifetz, Leadership Without Easy Answers

8 Leadership Foundations Leadership is: “Influencing a group of people to complete their God-given task in a way that contributes to God’s redemptive work worldwide.” -Craig Williford, President of Trinity International University

9 Leadership Foundations Leadership is: “Influence on people to movement toward a vision.” -Angie Ward

10 Leadership Foundations II.Leadership vs. Management

11 Leadership Foundations II.Leadership vs. Management TasksPeople Administratio n ManagementLeadership

12 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… A.What is Christian leadership?

13 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… A.What is Christian leadership? B.What is “good” leadership?

14 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… A.What is Christian leadership? B.What is “good” leadership? - Can you be a “good” leader without being a Christian?

15 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… A.What is Christian leadership? B.What is “good” leadership? - Can you be a “good” leader without being a Christian? - Are all Christian leaders “good” leaders?

16 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… A.What is Christian leadership? B.What is “good” leadership? - Can you be a “good” leader without being a Christian? - Are all Christian leaders “good” leaders? C.What is “effective” leadership?

17 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… D.Are leaders born or made?

18 Leadership Foundations III.Definitions of leadership, continued… D.Are leaders born or made? Answer: YES! Leadership is a gift, a skill, and an art.

19 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader What is the role of a leader? A.Integrity - Consistency between word and action, public and private

20 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader What is the role of a leader? A.Integrity - Consistency between word and action, public and private B.Describe Reality - Not create reality - Commitment to truth: in your own life, in the organization

21 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader What is the role of a leader? C. Clarity - What is our purpose? (Who do we serve?) - What is our core strength? - How are we doing? - How will we get there?

22 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader D.Priority - What must we do first?

23 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader D.Priority - What must we do first? E.Memory/History - Exodus 1:8 - “Those who forget the past…

24 Leadership Foundations IV.The role of a leader D.Priority - What must we do first? E.Memory/History - Exodus 1:8 - “Those who forget the past… F.Learning - “If you stop learning, you stop leading.”

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