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Midsummer Night’s Dream Lord, what fools these mortals be!

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Presentation on theme: "Midsummer Night’s Dream Lord, what fools these mortals be!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Midsummer Night’s Dream Lord, what fools these mortals be!

2 Origins Greek Mythology o Theseus is a Classical Greek hero from Athens  He slayed the Minotaur o Hippolyta was Queen of the Amazons  women warriors who shun men/ archers o Pyramus & Thisbe  a Myth from Ovid’s Metamorphoses Shakespeare would have studied this story as a child o Titania  name taken from a greek term for the daughter of a Titan  The Fairy Queen from English folklore is never named

3 Origins continued Folklore Oberon-- from a Gallic mythological poem; king of the fairies Fairies-- unique to English folklore o small humanoid beings with supernatural powers o protectors against evil Puck-- English folklore o a trickster character; mischievous o known to play pranks on humans, just for fun o AKA Robin Goodfellow & Hobgoblin o often depicted as a half-man half-goat grotesque creature The Mechanicals (the craftsmen/actors)-- based on the local townsfolk of Stratford and other small villages Shakespeare knew well

4 Romeo and Juliet ties R & J and Midsummer were written in the same time period Thematically they are the same o both plots are driven my missed communicatio, sleeping lovers, magic herbs, and young lovers drawn together despite parental wishes/the law  both deal with death as a result of disobedience to the law Prince’s decree in R &J and ancient law of a daughter’s obedience in Midsummer o Both use Pyramus and Thisbe  forms the basic plot of R&J  appears as the majority of Act 5 in midsummer as a play for wedding entertainmen t Midsummer is the comedic alternative resolution to the fatal R&J resolution

5 The Globe stuff for your final

6 Builders The sons of James Burbage built it o Richard was the owner of the Theater  homebase for Lord Chamberlain's Men o Cuthburt & Richard They dismantled the Theater because the lease on the land expired and the neighbors didn’t like having a theater nearby o they moved all the wood of the Theater across the Thames They constructed the Globe at Bankside with all the remains Shakespeare became a main shareholder o with 10% interest

7 Globe operations Globe was 1 of 5 permanent outdoor theaters o the Curtain, the Rose, the Swan, the Fortune 15,000 patrons visited these 5 per week Daily performances o except: Sundays, Lent, and plague outbreak Companies other than Lord Chamberlain's Men performed there o plays other than Shakespeare’s were also performed

8 The Name came from the Latin expression theatre mundi, “theater of the word” o idea that the stage is a world, and the world is a stage  reflected in Jaques monologue “All the world’s a stage”

9 Globe 2 The roof caught on fire and burned down the theater in 1613 o stage cannons caught the thatched roof on fire It was rebuilt with a tiled roof o the King’s Men (successors of Lord Chamberlain’s men) played there Toward end of Shakespeare’s life o he was already back at Stratford

10 One last thing: Advertisment The type of play performed everyday was announced by means of a colored flag White Flags were used to advertise that the play performed that day would be a comedy. Using white flag indicated that the play would be a light subject. Black Flags were used to advertise that the play performed that day would be a tragedy. Using a black flag indicated that the play would be a dark subject, associated with death. Red Flags flags were used to advertise that the play performed that day would be a history. Using a red flag indicated that the play would be a subject, associated with blood, as most plays based on history were!

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