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Gene Regulation Ability of an organisms to control which genes are present in response to the environment.

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Presentation on theme: "Gene Regulation Ability of an organisms to control which genes are present in response to the environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gene Regulation Ability of an organisms to control which genes are present in response to the environment

2 Operon Section of DNA that contains genes for the proteins needed – Operator, promoter, regulatory gene, and genes for protein – Trp operon, lac operon When protein is present or not present operon will or will not work – Depends on the specific operons

3 Trp operon lac operon

4 Eukaryotic Gene Regulation Eukaryotes are more complex Transcription Factors – ensure that a gene is used at the right time and proteins in the right amount Hox genes – controls differentiation of genes – Responsible for general body pattern of most animals – Order of genes is order of body parts


6 List two places RNA is found Agenda for Friday April 1 st 1.Quiz 2.Mutations

7 Mutations Cells can make mistakes when replicating – Or transcribing Repair mechanisms fix these mistakes – Similar to spell check A permanent change occurs in a cells DNA - mutations

8 Types of Mutations Point mutation/Substitution - change in 1 base pair – Wrong amino acid – change codon to a stop codon (translation stops early) – Proteins cannot function properly

9 Frameshift Mutations Shift the codons 1. Insertions – additions of a nucleotide 2. Deletion – loss of a nucleotide 3. Duplication – repeating sequences of codons








17 Protein Folding and Stability Change of 1 amino acid can lead to change in folding and stability of protein – Sickle cell disease – one amino acid change = change in structure of hemoglobin

18 Causes of Mutations Some can be spontaneous DNA Polymerase can add an incorrect nucleotide – 1/100,000 – Proofreading reduces it to 1/1,000,000,000 Chemicals and radiation can damage DNA

19 Mutagens Def. – substance that cause mutations Change chemical structure of bases – Bond with wrong bases Create imposter bases

20 Mutagens Radiation – creates high energy electrons which (escape) and break bonds UV – less energy, cause bonds to break and form with other bases/bonds


22 Somatic vs. Gamete Mutations Somatic (body) cells – each mutation gets passed to the daughter cell – Not to offspring Gamete (sex) cells – passed to offspring (children) and will be present in every cell

23 What happens if… DNA sequence is A A C G T G A C T mRNA = U U G C A C U G A A.A. = LEU – HIS - STOP

24 Now a mutation occurs DNA sequence is G A C G T G A C T mRNA = C U G C A C U G A A.A. = LEU – HIS - STOP NO CHANGE IN AMINO ACID SEQUENCE!!!! NEUTRAL MUTATION

25 What is a GMO? Agenda for Wednesday April 6 th 1.Go over worksheets 2.Whiteboard questions 3.Start mitosis (?)

26 Whiteboard questions What does DNA polymerase do? What does Helicase do? What does ligase do? Match the bases below. 5’ – A T C G T A – 3’ List 3 differences between RNA/DNA. What are the 3 types of RNA? Where does RNA go after it is made? Transcribe the DNA below. A T C G T A

27 What does RNA attach to when it leaves the nucleus? Amino Acids are the building block of ________. What type of RNA brings an amino acid? When does translation stop? Where is the codon located? Anticodon? What is a codon? Translate the mRNA strand below. A G C G A G Translate the DNA strand below ATG CTA TGCA

28 What is a GMO? (define)? What is a benefit of a GMO? What is a disadvantage of a GMO? What is a chromosome? What is a gene?

29 _how_he_discovered_dna#t-15617 _how_he_discovered_dna#t-15617

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