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GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 78, No. 3 : 2013 F1 김태영

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1 GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 78, No. 3 : 2013 F1 김태영
Stacy B. Menees, MD, MS, H. Myra Kim, ScD, Eric E. Elliott, MPH, Jennifer L. Mickevicius, BS,Brittany B. Graustein, BS, Philip S. Schoenfeld, MD, MSEd, MSc Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY Volume 78, No. 3 : 2013 F1 김태영

2 INTRODUCTION CRC -2nd cause of cancer-related deaths in US
Colonoscopy : identify and prevent CRC Early detection and prevention through polypectomy 53% reduction in long-term mortality (National Polyp Study) Adequate bowel cleansing is crucial 2012 CRC guideline (US-MSTF) poor =>within 1 yr fair but adequate (adenoma < 1 cm); F/U 5 years

3 INTRODUCTION F/U data of inadquate bowel prep. – limited
Lebwohl et al 27% adenoma miss rate Chokshi et al 33.8% adenoma miss rate Impact of fair bowel preparation on endoscopists’ recommendations ? Findings on repeat colonoscopy ?

4 Aronchick Bowel Preparation Scale (ABPS)
REV ESP ENFERM DIG (Madrid) Vol N.° 8, pp , 2012

5 Ottawa Bowel Preparation Scale (OBPS,2004)
REV ESP ENFERM DIG (Madrid) Vol N.° 8, pp , 2012

6 Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS,2010)
REV ESP ENFERM DIG (Madrid) Vol N.° 8, pp , 2012

7 METHODS-Study population
Retrospective review of EMR, database University of Michigan medical procedure unit and 2 university outpatient ambulatory centers Age: 50 ~ 65 yrs , ~ Preparation qualities rated as fair GI symptoms, family or personal history of CRC hereditary CRC syndrome, IBD, incomplete colonoscopies => excluded

8 METHODS- F/U recommendations
Numerous recommendation available Multiple recommendations (eg, if adenoma, then repeat in 2 years hyperplastic and/or benign polyps at 10 years and adenomatous polyps at 3 or 5 years )

9 METHODS- F/U colonoscopy compliance
A 1-year lag of F/U colonoscopy was added to data Recommendations ≥ 5 years were not included Lost to follow-up , excluded

10 METHODS-Adenoma detection & miss rate
The adenoma detection rate : the percentage of patients , ≥1 adenoma The adenoma miss rate (all size, optimal prep.) : A/ A+B A = total number of patients with adenomas of F/U within 3 years B = total number of patients with adenomas , on the index colonoscopy Optimal prep: excellent, good, adquate

11 METHODS- Patient and procedure data
Demographic and clinical data : patient age, sex, race, BMI, concurrent narcotic usage, and DM status Colonoscopy procedure data : number, size, and histology, procedural difficulty completion status Endoscopist-level (ie, years in clinical practice, sex) data not collected

12 METHODS- Statistical analysis
Analysis of variance and χ² tests Reported F/U recommendation intervals and compliance by categorical colonoscopy findings Statistical analyses, performed by using SAS 9.2

13 RESULTS 2004. 7.1 ~ 2006. 6. 30 , N=16,251 colonoscopy
N=1943 (indication of average-risk or screening) N=619 (fair bowel preparation) Adenoma detection rate, index colonoscopy : 20.5%


15 RESULTS F/U colonoscopy recommendations
70.4% recommended for a repeat colonoscopy within 5 years, total 77.9% recommended for a repeat colonoscopy within 5 years, with polyp 98.0% recommended for a repeat colonoscopy within 5 years, 1-2 small adenoma

16 RESULTS F/U colonoscopy compliance
N= 619 (fair bowel prep. in index colonoscopy) N= 145 (23.4%) a recommended F/U ≤3 yrs N= 71 (55.9%) compliance to F/U ≤3 yrs

17 RESULTS F/U colonoscopy compliance
N= 619 (fair bowel prep. in index colonoscopy) N= 436 (70.4%) a recommended F/U ≤5 yrs N= 183 (53.7%) compliance to F/U ≤5 yrs

18 RESULTS 3-yrs adenoma detection & miss rates
N= 619 (fair bowel prep. in index colonoscopy) N= 71 (55.9%) compliance to F/U ≤3 yrs N= 39 optimal bowel prep. N= 11 (28.2%) ≥1 adenoma 13.6% normal on index colonoscopy


20 DISCUSSION 2012 USMSTF , No consensus for Fair prep.
2006 Gastroenterology guideline : 1-2 adenoma , F/U 5-10 yrs only 13% follow guideline Retrospective study, information quality limited Variability reporting of fair prep ,among physician Generalizability performed in an academic setting

21 CONCLUSION Fair bowel preparation leads to early repeat colonoscopy follow-up recommendations. 70% of patients with repeat colonoscopy within 3 years show 28% adenoma miss rate. Further guidelines on timing for repeat colonoscopy for fair bowel preparation are needed.

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