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The Large Ocean Basins 3 1 2 5 4 1. Indian Ocean 2. Arctic Ocean 3. Pacific Ocean 4. Southern Ocean 5. Atlantic Ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "The Large Ocean Basins 3 1 2 5 4 1. Indian Ocean 2. Arctic Ocean 3. Pacific Ocean 4. Southern Ocean 5. Atlantic Ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Large Ocean Basins 3 1 2 5 4 1. Indian Ocean 2. Arctic Ocean 3. Pacific Ocean 4. Southern Ocean 5. Atlantic Ocean

2 Marine Iguana What is the only place in the world this animal is found?The Galapagos Islands What ocean is this animal found in? The Pacific Ocean

3 What ocean is this animal associated with? What does it eat? How is this animal being impacted by global warming? The Arctic Ocean Ringed seals It depends on sea ice to feed. It waits by breathing holes for seals to come up for air. The decline in sea ice in the arctic, associated with global warming, has reduced the summer feeding period for polar bears. Some bears are dying from starvation, others are going into hibernation in poor condition due to low bodyweights. Females in poor condition produce less offspring.

4 What are these animals called? Manatees

5 What are these animals called? What ocean are they found in? Walruses The Arctic Ocean

6 What are theses pictures of?Hydrothermal vents What is this black smoke composed of? Hydrogen sulfide

7 The Indian Ocean: Relict Species What is this fish?Coelacanth

8  The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) What is the significance of this current? What is the significance of this current? It isolated the Antarctic continent from warmer waters to the north and is partially responsible for the formation of Antarctica's permanent ice cover. It isolated the Antarctic continent from warmer waters to the north and is partially responsible for the formation of Antarctica's permanent ice cover. The northern boundary is called the Antarctic Convergence or the Polar Front. The northern boundary is called the Antarctic Convergence or the Polar Front. The Southern Ocean

9 The Antarctic Convergence These fronts act as boundaries that define zones with different temperatures, salinities, and nutrient concentrations. They are populated with distinct communities of plants and animals. The Polar Front is also referred to as the Antarctic Convergence. Cold water Abundant krill

10 Large Scale Distribution of Antarctic Krill Krill are a keystone species in the Antarctic food web. Krill are crustaceans with several larval stages in their life cycle. Some of the larval stages feed on algae that grow on the lower surface of sea ice. One of the factors that determines the annual abundance of krill is the extent of sea ice in winter. Global warming may have significant impacts on krill abundance. The Antarctic Convergence

11 What is this bird called? The wandering albatross

12 Baleen Whales Crabeater Seals Leopard Seals Adelie Penguins Chinstrap Penguins Gentoo Penguins Light E Food E Phytoplankton Krill – Euphausia superba Photosynthesis The top predators of the Antarctic Peninsula are? Seabirds and seals

13 The Crabeater Seal eats primarily___________ Krill

14 What is this organism? What are the weird looking teeth of the crabeater seal used for? They grab a mouth full of water and krill and then push the water out through the gaps in their teeth with their tongue. Thus they are filter feeders! A krill

15 Gentoo penguins feed primarily on krill in the southern part of their range.

16 The distribution of Chinstrap Penguins is intermediate between the Gentoo Penguin in the north and the Adelie Penguin in the south. North Gentoos Chinstraps Adls South What ocean is the chinstrap penguin associated with? The southern ocean

17 Adelie Penguins Adelie penguins breed on shores around the Antarctic continent, South Shetland, South Orkney, and South Sandwich Islands. At sea they are usually found near the edge of the shelf-ice to the northern extent of the pack-ice. They are a krill dependant species.

18 On the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula the ACC upwells and floods onto the continental shelf. What is the significance of upwelling? Upwelling Upwelling brings nutrients from the ocean floor to the surface leading to blooms of diatoms that krill feel on.

19 Some of the larval stages of krill feed on algae that grow on the lower surface of sea ice. One of the factors that determines the annual abundance of krill is the extent of sea ice in winter. Along the northern half of the Antarctic Peninsula there has been an 80% decline in krill abundance in the past 30 years attributed to a loss of sea ice. Why has the sea ice declined?Global warming

20 12 3 4 1. Inner core 2. Outer core 3. Mantle 4. Continental crust

21 Continental Versus Oceanic Crust   Continental Granite ______ density Light Thick (20 – 50 km) Can be old (3.8by)   Note: Density = Mass Volume   Oceanic Basalt _____ density Dark Thin (5 km) Young (<200my)

22 What is this super continent called? Pangaea

23 Principles of Plate Tectonics   The __________is where new crust is created.   The ____________ is where crust is destroyed. mid-ocean ridge subduction zone

24 2 3 1 1. Convergent plate boundary or subduction zone or trench 2. Divergent plate boundary or mid-ocean ridge 3. Convergent plate boundary or subduction zone or trench

25 ____________Boundary Examples Mid-Atlantic Ridge East Pacific Rise Divergent Plate Boundary

26 _____________ Boundary Trenches and volcanoes are associated with subduction zones at these boundaries Convergent plate boundary

27 __________ Boundaries The _______ Fault occurs at this type of boundary Transform plate boundary

28 Continental Margins 1 2 3 1. Continental shelf2. Continental slope 3. Abyssal plain

29 Active Versus Passive Margins 1 2 1. Active margin 2. Passive margin

30 Continental Versus oceanic Crust BasaltGranite 1. Rock type? 2. Rock type?

31 East Pacific Rise Mid-Atlantic Ridge

32 The Continental Shelf Off Of Los Angeles 1 2 3 4 1. Continental shelf 2. Shelf break 3. Continental slope 4. Abyssal plain 5 5. Continental rise

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