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Word Wall Week Twenty-two 2-13-07. infamous (adjective)

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Presentation on theme: "Word Wall Week Twenty-two 2-13-07. infamous (adjective)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Wall Week Twenty-two 2-13-07

2 infamous (adjective)

3 having an evil reputation

4 cohort (noun)

5 a companion or associate

6 relic (noun)

7 something left behind after decay or disappearance

8 lament (verb)

9 to mourn aloud

10 disadvantaged (adjective)

11 put in an unfavorable position or condition

12 concede (verb)

13 to admit the truth or existence of something

14 anonymity ( noun)

15 the state of being anonymous or unknown

16 trilogy (noun)

17 a series of three pieces of art or writing that are closely related to a single theme

18 douse (verb)

19 to stick into water or to throw a liquid on

20 squirreling (verb)

21 storing up for future use (often used with away)

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