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History of the USA The First Americans. America before Columbus - the greatest period in the history of the New World is undoubtedly the "pre-Columbian".

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Presentation on theme: "History of the USA The First Americans. America before Columbus - the greatest period in the history of the New World is undoubtedly the "pre-Columbian"."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of the USA The First Americans

2 America before Columbus - the greatest period in the history of the New World is undoubtedly the "pre-Columbian". Modern scholars believe that the first humans appeared on the American continent around 30,000 years ago.

3 Settling new lands from north to south, for many years the ancient inhabitants of the Americas lived in isolation from the rest of the world with little or no contact with people from other continents, living in harmony with nature, creating and developing their own culture

4 It is believed that America was named after Amerigo Vespucci Italian traveler German cartographers Martin Waldseemüller and Matthias Ringmanom. Vespucci, who explored South America between 1497 and 1502 years, was the first European to assume that America - this is not the East Indies, and the new unknown continent.

5 In 1507 Valdzemyuller drew a map of the world, where he struck the name "America" on the South American continent in the area of present Brazil. Later, when appeared on the map of North America, this name has spread to her: in 1538 Gerardus Mercator used the toponym "America" to refer to the entire western hemisphere world map

6 It is believed that its original inhabitants arrived in America from Asia for thousands of years in the period from 15 to 50 thousand. Years ago, when the site of the modern Bering Strait land existed that connected the two continents.

7 In 1492, the existence of America became known in medieval Europe after Christopher Columbus visited the islands of the West Indies, and during his second voyage in 1493 personally landed on the island of Puerto Rico, is now owned by the US

8 At the dawn of independence the US consisted only of the thirteen states that have formed from the British colonies. After independence, they had to fight twice with Great Britain in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.. According to the Treaty of Paris in 1783, Britain formally recognized the independence of the United States, but before the end of the Second Anglo-American War in 1815 still continued to support allied Indian tribes, resisted the US Army.

9 The basis of the US Constitution is the text approved in 1788, which included the US Declaration of Independence. The supreme authority supporting the constitutional right in the United States, is the Supreme Court. In the future, the Basic Law was adopted a number of amendments, which, in particular, has been banned slavery and granted women the right to vote.

10 The Great Depression - a heavy blow that befell the American economy at the end of 1929, has brought many difficulties not only to residents of the US, but other countries, including in Europe; It took many years to American society was able to recover from the shocks..

11 United States in World War II - despite the fact that fierce battles with Hitler's troops took place far from the ocean, hundreds of thousands of American soldiers went to the other end of the world to contribute to the restoration of peace in the world; participating in combat operations in Europe, Africa, the Pacific, the US military has made a significant contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany.

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