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Wishing you many years of happiness, health, and pulsars. Happy Birthday, Wim!

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Presentation on theme: "Wishing you many years of happiness, health, and pulsars. Happy Birthday, Wim!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wishing you many years of happiness, health, and pulsars. Happy Birthday, Wim!

2 Vicky Kaspi McGill University Montreal, Canada R. Archibald, VK, P. Scholz et al., in prep.

3 1E 1048.1-5937  6.4-s X-ray pulsar  One of `original’ AXPs: (e.g. Mereghetti et al. 1998)  qLx = 6x10^33 erg/s  Inferred B=4e14 G  qPulsedFraction ~70%  Simple one-peak profile, duty cycle ~0.3  qX-ray spectrum: bbody kT= 0.5 keV, Gamma=2.7  Not yet confirmed at hard X-ray energies

4 1E 1048.1-5937: The ‘Anomalous’ AXP?  First AXP seen to exhibit SGR-like X-ray bursts (Gavriil, VK, Woods 2002)  Hardest AXP X-ray spectrum  Large timing noise  AXP/SGR transition object? Today, many `transition objects’ known; distinction between AXPs & SGRs blurred to near oblivion!

5 X-ray Pulsed Flux Flares in 1E 1048.1-5937  Regular RXTE monitoring  Initially, pulsed flux stable  Pulsed flux flares in 2001, 2002  Coincident with SGR-like bursts  Note slow flux rise  E=3x10^40 erg, 3x10^41 erg for 5 kpc  Tiengo et al. 2005 show likely double the energy release Gavriil & VK 2004

6 Unusual Torque Variations  Unusual torque variations began 150-200 days after 2 nd flare onset  Always spinning down  Variations by order-of-magnitude!  Note large nudot changes while X-ray flux ~stable 2-10 keV Gavriil & VK 2004

7 A Second Flux Flare Dib, VK & Gavriil 2009  2 nd X-ray flare episode in 2007  Spin-up glitch  Fast rise  ~Linear decay  Note pulse profile changes  Profile returns to normal before flux does

8 Pulse Profile Changes Dib, VK & Gavriil 2009

9 More Torque Variations Dib & VK in prep. RXTE R.I.P 1996-2012

10 A Third Flux Flare… R. Archibald et al. in prep.

11 3 Similar Events in 1E 1048  Flux flare separations not exactly the same but close: 4.9 yr, 4.6 yr  Peak luminosities very similar; ~3.5x10^35 erg/s for d=9 kpc (Durant & van Kerkwijk 2006)  All flares show spectral hardening  Both kT increases, Gamma decreases (Tam et al. 2008)  Decay times similar  2/3 rises resolved  Large torque variations seen few months after each flare subsiding  Flux stable during torque variations R. Archibald et al. in prep.

12 Archibald et al. in prep. Phase averaged flux

13 Theoretical Interpretation(?)  Torque sensitive to field lines in narrow bundle near magnetic pole (Thompson et al. 2002)  can have decoupling between torque, X-ray luminosity  Overall expect broad correlation between Lx, torque, spectral hardness (Marsden & White 2001; VK & Boydstun 2010)  Beloborodov (2009): Flares due to magnetospheric twisting; large twists  poloidal field line inflation, enhanced torque that eventually decays  Delay due to growth of twist angle to O(1); depends on initial size of twist angle near magnetic axis  But why not seen in other magnetars? And why cyclic only here?

14 Not seen in other sources: Dib & Kaspi in prep. 1E 2259+586

15 Summary  Magnetar 1E 1048.1-5937 has now shown 3 X-ray flares and 3 episodes of enhanced torque variations, delayed  Flux flares different than in other similar sources  Resolved rises, longer decays  Large torque variations not seen in other `classical’ AXP sources  Possibly cyclic behavior predicts mid-end 2016 for next event  Another reason 1E 1048.1-5937 `anomalous’!

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