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Import of equidae into EU EU legal base TAIEX Workshop AGR 56884 Moldova, 3-4 November 2014 DVM Hentriikka Kontio Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,

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Presentation on theme: "Import of equidae into EU EU legal base TAIEX Workshop AGR 56884 Moldova, 3-4 November 2014 DVM Hentriikka Kontio Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Import of equidae into EU EU legal base TAIEX Workshop AGR 56884 Moldova, 3-4 November 2014 DVM Hentriikka Kontio Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Finland

2 Council Directive 2009/156/EC on animal health conditions governing the movement and importation from third countries of equidae of 30 November 2009 codification of previous Council Directive 90/425/EEC applies to intra-Community trade and import transit rules for equidae given on the basis of Council Directive 91/496/EEC on veterinary checks on animals entering the Community from third countries

3 Article 2 ’equidae’ : wild or domesticated animals of equine (including zebras) or asisine species or the offspring of crossings of those species –horses, zebras, donkeys, mules (’horse’ : animal belonging to the species Equus caballus) ’registered equidae’ : any equidae registered in studbooks established by relevant EU or international authority or organisation ’equidae for breeding and production’ : equidae other than registered equidae or equidae for slaughter ’equidae for slaughter’ : equidae intended to be transported either directly or through a market to slaughter (’permanent import’ : introduction of equidae into EU area with the right to stay there without any time limits) ’temporary admission’ : registered horses admitted into EU for a period of less than 90 days (’re-entry of registered horses’ : registered horses returning into EU after temporary stay outside EU territory for a maximum of 30 days due to racing, competition and cultural event) (’transit of equidae’ : equidae intended to be transported from a third country to a third country through EU territory)

4 Article 12 Importation of equidae only from third countries fulfilling certain conditions: health status of equidae, other domestic animals and wildlife legislation on animal health and welfare –on prevention and control of infectious or contagious animal diseases –rules on importation of equidae from other third countries organisation of competent veterinary authority, its inspection service and laboratory capacity OIE membership guarantees on rapid and regular information experience of any previous export results of FVO inspection and/or audit

5 Based on Article 12 List of approved countries : Commission Decision 2004/211/EC approved countries or regions thereof different sanitary categories based on animal health risks –A-G –Moldova to group B? separate columns for different equidae categories –’TA’ temporary admission of registered horses –’Re-En’ re-entry of registered horses after temporary export due to races, competitions or cultural events –Import / ’RH’ import of registered horses –Import / ’ ES’ import of equine for slaughter –Import / ’RE + EBP’ import of registered equine and equine for breeding and production –Import / semen / RH, RE, EBP and Import / ova /equidae special conditions –entry authorised only for a specific event or a very specific limited area (e.g. road passage to the airport)


7 Articles 13 & 15 Equidae need to meet the requested animal health status : country to be free of following diseases –African horse sickness (2 years), Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (2 years), dourine ( 6 months), glanders (6 months) –may apply to only part of territory or country by regionalisation –WAHIS: health status of Moldova is fulfilling these conditions compulsory notifiable diseases –dourine, glanders, equine encephalomyelitis (of all types, incl. VEE), infectious anaemia, rabies, anthrax, African horse sickness, vesicular stomatitis –WAHIS: eastern equine encephalomyelitis not notifiable in Moldova? additional conditions on countries not free of vesicular stomatitis or viral arteritis (6 months) –WAHIS: last occurence of vesicular stomatitis in 1972 and equine viral arteritis never reported in Moldova information within 24 h of the confirmation of any of these diseases to Commission and MSs

8 Based on Article 15 & 19 Detailed import conditions are provided in health certificates: Commission Decision 92/260/EEC (models A-F) temporary admission of registered horses Commission Decision 93/195/EEC (models A-E) re-entry of registered horses after temporary export for racing, competition and cultural events Commission Decision 93/197/EEC (models A-G) imports of registered horses imports of registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production Commission Decision 93/196/EEC (Annex I and II) imports of equidae for slaughter Commission Decision 2010/57/EC transit of equidae

9 Article 14 Before the day of loading the equidae must have remained in the territory / part of territory for a period given in the health certificates: imports of registered horses: 90 days imports of registered equidae and equidae for breeding and production: 90 days imports of equidae for slaughter: 90 days temporary admission of registered horses: 40 days (in Moldova / EUMS / other countries listed in the certificate) transit of equidae: 40 days (in Moldova / EUMS / certain other countries) re-entry of registered horses after temporary export for racing, competition and cultural events: 30 days (in Moldova, EUMS, other third countries with the same animal health status) Equidae must come from a holding placed under veterinary supervision.

10 Article 16 Equidae must be identified and accompanied by a health certificate drawn up by an official veterinarian of the exporting country. Article 17 Equidae for slaughter shall be taken to a slaughterhouse immediately upon arrival in a EUMS. –either directly or via a market

11 Thank you for your attention! taiex-events/library/detail_en.jsp?EventID=56884

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