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Milwaukee Brace Indications Fitting Parameters.

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Presentation on theme: "Milwaukee Brace Indications Fitting Parameters."— Presentation transcript:

1 Milwaukee Brace Indications Fitting Parameters

2 Curve Pattern Double Thoracic Curve

3 Positive T1 Tilt Elevated Shoulder Rotational Prominence

4 Apex T6-7 Raised shoulder Decompensated

5 39/21

6 No T1 Tilt No raised shoulder No significant prominence

7 Curve Pattern Cervicothoracic Curve




11 Infantile/Juvenile Easily adjustable for growth
Greater Curve Correction Open Design Compliance not an issue Sagittal alignment – hypokyphosis Ability to adjust pads Need only pelvic section replaced




15 Infantile Under 12 months of Age Minimal or no head control
Not enough room for neck ring Progressive or large curve

16 Kalibus


18 Kalibus with head piece



21 Curve Size Larger Curves Excessive Decompensation

22 51 T11

23 Scheuermann’s Kyphosis
Thoracic Hyperkyphosis Patient evaluation Critical Flexibility of lumbar lordosis Follow Up

24 T 7 78

25 43 64

26 Design Criteria Neck Ring Standard Low Profile Custom Plastic

27 Contour of Uprights Smallest Bars Contour as close as possible
Not inhibiting breathing Not inducing thoracic lordosis Ability to set neck ring posteriorly or anteriorly

28 Custom Molded Modify in lumbar correction and troch extension
Ability to determine lordosis Determine abdominal shape Anterior to ASIS modification Base of support Depth of waist


30 Choice of Plastic Plastic Neck Ring – 3/16” Copoly
Kalibus – 1/8” Copoly pelvic and shoulder Ring Pelvic Section – 1/8”, 5/32”, 3/16” Copoly Custom Pads – 1/8” Surlyn or Polyethylene

31 Pads



34 Trimlines determine angle and thickness


36 Curve Pattern Curve Size Age Other Etiologies
SUMMARY Curve Pattern Curve Size Age Other Etiologies

37 It Can be Done

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