AgriOcean DSpace FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE combine efforts in their support of Open Access Marc Goovaerts, Christof Verdonck - Hasselt University, Belgium.

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Presentation on theme: "AgriOcean DSpace FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE combine efforts in their support of Open Access Marc Goovaerts, Christof Verdonck - Hasselt University, Belgium."— Presentation transcript:

1 AgriOcean DSpace FAO and UNESCO-IOC/IODE combine efforts in their support of Open Access Marc Goovaerts, Christof Verdonck - Hasselt University, Belgium Denys Slipetskyy, IBSS – Sevastopol, Ukraine Imma Subirats, FAO of the United Nations – Rome, Italy Rome, 22 September 2010

2 Overview 1.Cooperation between FAO and UNESCO-IOC 2.Some History From OdinPubAfrica to OceanDocs Agris Dspace & Thesaurus Plug-in 3.AgriOcean Dspace: the best of both worlds 4.Next steps

3 1. Co operation between FAO and UNESCO-IOC

4 Added value of AgriOcean Dspace The United Nations agencies of FAO and UNESCO-IOC have announced a joint initiative to provide a customized version of DSpace using standards and controlled vocabularies in oceanography, marine science, food, agriculture, development, fisheries, forestry, natural resources and related sciences. The communities supported by FAO and UNESCO- IOC/IODE are synergistic and the standards on metadata and controlled vocabularies are similar for both. Communities: AGRIS – ASFA - ODINS Standards: Agris AP – MODS Thesauri: AGROVOC – ASFA Bigger user community (Distribution – support)

5 2. Some History From OdinPubAfrica to OceanDocs Agris Dspace & Thesaurus Plug-in

6 From OdinPubAfrica to OceanDocs

7 OdinPubAfrica A FUST project of IOC (Aug. 2004 – Aug. 2006) coordinated by Hasselt University and supported by the Flemish government in the framework of OdinAfrica

8 The goals of OdinPubAfrica Facilitate publishing of research findings by African scientists (e-journal as well as e-archive) thereby promoting African research and increasing access by African scientists to the international research forum Make scientific publications in the field of marine science and oceanography in Africa more easily and freely accessible Enhance the internal scientific communication Develop an OAI-compliant repository providing access to full-text publications created by scientists affiliated to African institutes

9 A single repository for OdinAfrica Limited internet capacity in Africa: o At the end of 2003, 64 kbps was a good connection Choose of Dspace o Community/collection structure o Customization possibilities Training : o Local coordinators (16 information managers) o Appointment of 2 DSpace administrators: Implementation at institute level: = work of the information managers of OdinAfrica

10 From OdinPubAfrica to OceanDocs Repository development has been identified as a major goal by IOC Information management training sessions Interest of ODIN communities: OdinCarsa – OdinCindio – OdinECET – …


12 OceanDocs as a Network Two-level approach is unavoidable o Institutes have their own repository o The oceanographic collection will be a part of a larger institutional repository o The OceanDocs Central will be available for smaller institutes and institutes with limited internet capacity

13 Current situation IODE related repositories: OceanDocs (31 institutes from Africa and Latin America) – 3114 docs Repositories with the same software: o IBSS(Sevastopol – Ukraine): - 1418 docs o CEEMAR ( – 681 docs Related institutional repositories: o NIO (Goa-India): - On DSpace - 3628 docs o ODINPimris ( ) – On Greenstone – 123 docs

14 Current situation Other repositories in marine science: o Iamslic: Aquatic Commons - o Institutional repositories with oceanography collections: examples - National Oceanography Centre and School of Ocean and Earth Sciences at Soton - - IFREMER - Harvester : – AVANO: = Harvester of Aquatic Commons and of OceanDocs

15 Agris Dspace & Thesaurus Plug-in

16 FAO and DSpace Dspace as a tool for Agris centres Objectives: Assure quality in metadata creation Sharing information in a standardized manner Use of common semantics and interoperable syntaxes Use of more sophisticated and specialized metadata Use of controlled, multilingual vocabularies Requirements: o AGRIS AP compliancy o AGROVOC

17 Adapting DSpace to the Task Custom metadata schemas A schema for representation of AGRIS AP metadata elements Enriched metadata input Custom input types for language qualification of selected AGRIS AP metadata elements Annotation using multilingual thesauri Enriched metadata dissemination A Crosswalk plugin for OAI-PMH dissemination of metadata in AGRIS AP format Mapping of AGRIS AP elements to DC for vanilla DC dissemination of AGRIS AP metadata

18 Agris DSpace Customized by ARD Prasad at ISI (Bangalore, India) Agris AP integration: o Adapted submission module o Agris AP export through OAI-PMH

19 Thesaurus plug-in Developed by Kasetsart University (Bangkok, Thailand) Thesaurus plug-in o Web services: use local or remote version of AGROVOC thesaurus/SKOS

20 3. AgriOcean Dspace the best of both world See

21 Goals Promoting open access to scientific information on the topics of FAO and UNESCO-IOC. Ensuring the metadata quality of repositories and the use of thesauri / authority control. Contributing to the development of sustainable repositories by the use of tools to make scientific publications (and data) more accessible and visible Removing access barriers by encouraging the creation of new service providers based on existing and mature metadata and semantics technology. Integration of the FAO and UNESCO-IOC developments

22 New lay-out

23 Enhancement submission module Type defined submission forms: --> – Easy to add a new type in the input-forms.xml

24 Enhancement submission module

25 Lay-out possibilities: o Grouping of fields o Definition of field size o Different fields in a row o Controlled vocabulary – with autosuggestion o Switching between types Support of Agris AP and MODS Integration of the Thesaurus plug-in

26 Dspace - database Metadatavalue: o item_id o metadata_field_id = dc.extended o text_value = value (e.g. keywords) o text_lang = language o authority = unique ID (e.g.URI)

27 Agris AP in OAI-PMH - Results Agris AP crosswalk: to create a well formatted XML for thesauri Absolute food deficiency Starvation Agropisciculture URI=“”

28 Easy-to-install-version Distribution based on a builded version Limited costumization options: o Banner o Name – url o Community-Collection structure o Content (of course) o Without handle service (option) Windows-based Available September - October 2010

29 4. Next Steps Setting up of AgriOcean Dspace Community: 09-10/2010 Exchange of experiences AgriOcean Dspace release: 11/2010 Installation and distribution Upgrade of OceanDocs Pilot Testing: “Bangladesh Agricultural Universities’ Institutional Repository” Distribution in IODE and FAO community Cooperation with DURASPACE Informing about the new AgriOcean Dspace implementations Collaborating in the Dspace Ambassadors Program

30 Thank you for your attention The AgriOcean Dspace Team

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