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What were Roman bath houses like?

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Presentation on theme: "What were Roman bath houses like?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What were Roman bath houses like?
Lesson objective To understand the layout of a Roman bath house. To reach a judgement on if the Romans were healthy or not.

2 Can you name these forms of Roman entertainment?

3 Roman Bath houses The Roman Bath house was the heart of the Roman community and people would go to bathe, and also to conduct business and socialize with friends. Baths were very important to the Romans and all citizens used the baths on a daily basis. They could then relax and watch the entertainment on offer and eat. All cities in the Roman Empire had fresh water supplies and Roman citizens were encouraged to keep clean.

4 Why did Romans like baths so much?
Roman baths were like leisure centres. You went there to relax, not just to get clean.

5 Who could use the Roman baths?
Everyone was allowed to use the Roman baths – even slaves. It was very important to the Romans that everyone was clean and rich Romans would not be happy for their slaves to be dirty. Some really rich Romans even had their own private bath!

6 Plan of a Roman Bath Plan of a Roman Bath Caldarium 3 1 Roman Toilets
4 Tepidarium 5 Frigidarium Palaestra 2

7 How were the Roman baths heated?
The pool was heated by the hypocaust. This heating system was below ground and heated by a fire. The fire then heated the water which was then transported by pipe to the pool.

8 What did you do in a Roman Bath?
When you went to the baths, you took off your outdoor clothes and warmed up with some exercises. You would do this in the Palaestra (2), which was an open courtyard.

9 Then, after a swim in the pool, you went into a series of heated rooms.

10 Caldarium First you would go into the Caldarium.
This was the hottest room in a Roman bath. It was a bit like a Jacuzzi. The hot water and steamy air temperatures may have risen well above 40° Celcius. It would be this hot so that you could sweat out the dirt.

11 Tepidarium Afterwards you would go to the tepidarium.
This was a cooler room where you could relax, chat and chat to your friends. You could also get a massage from a slave. You would clean all the sweat and grease off your body using a Strigil.

12 Frigidarium Finally, you would go to the Frigidarium.
This was a freezing cold bath to refresh the Romans. The Romans would feel very refreshed after plunging into the frigidariums freezing waters.

13 Roman Toilets

14 Extension task Describe a visit to the Roman baths Write about
The activities you do at the bath (the different pools you use) The kinds of people you might meet Why a trip to the baths was so popular

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