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Truman Doctrine Aid to Greece and Turkey in order to defend them from Communism.

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2 Truman Doctrine

3 Aid to Greece and Turkey in order to defend them from Communism

4 Nikita Khrushchev

5 Succeeded Stalin as leader of the Soviet Union and denounced Stalin’s abuse of power

6 Containment

7 The U.S. strategy of keeping communism within its existing boundaries and preventing its further expansion

8 Marshall Plan

9 Massive aid package offered by the U.S. to Europe to help countries rebuild after WWII

10 Detente

11 The relaxation of Cold War tensions during the 1970s

12 Leonid Brezhnev

13 Brezhnev succeeded Khrushchev in the mid 1960s and ruled until his death in 1982. Under his leadership, critics faced arrest and imprisonment

14 Mikhail Gorbachev

15 Assumed leadership in the Soviet Union in 1985 and sought to avoid Cold War confrontations. Gorbachev instituted Glasnost and Perestroika

16 Glasnost

17 Gorbachev’s policy of openness. He ended censorship and encouraged people to discuss the country’s problems openly

18 Perestroika

19 Gorbachev’s policy of restructuring of the government and the economy

20 Mao Zedong

21 Leader of the Chinese Communist Party who led them to victory over the nationalists in 1949

22 Jiang Jieshi

23 Leader of the Chinese Nationalists who were defeated by the Communists in 1949. The Nationalist fled to Formosa (Taiwan)

24 Collectivization

25 Mao Zedong’s policy of forcing farmers onto large state owned farms

26 Great Leap Forward

27 A Chinese Communist program from 1958 to 1960 to boost farm and industrial output that failed miserably

28 Cultural Revolution

29 A Chinese Communist program in the late 1960s to purge China of non- revolutionary tendencies that caused economic and social damage

30 Kim Il Sung

31 First communist leader of North Korea and an ally of the Soviet Union

32 Syngman Rhee

33 The first leader of South Korea who was a dictator, but noncommunist, who was backed by the United States

34 Korean War

35 The war broke out when North Korean dictator Kim Il Sung attempted to reunite the Korean Peninsula in 1950. American troops aided the South while Chinese troops aided the North

36 Ho Chi Minh

37 Ho Chi Minh was a nationalist and communist who was determined to unite Vietnam under Communist rule

38 Dienbienphu

39 Small town and former French army base in northern Vietnam and site of the battle that ended French control over Vietnam

40 Viet Cong

41 Communist rebels in South Vietnam who sought to overthrow South Vietnam’s government

42 Domino Theory

43 The belief that a Communist victory in South Vietnam would cause non-Communist governments across Southeast Asia to fall to Communism, like a row of dominoes

44 Tet Offensive

45 A massive and bloody offensive by Communist guerrillas against South Vietnamese and American forces on Tet, the Vietnamese New Year, 1968. Helped to turn American public opinion against military involvement in Vietnam

46 Pol Pot

47 Brutal Communist dictator of Cambodia and leader of the Khmer Rouge

48 Khmer Rouge

49 Cambodia’s Communist Party that was led by Pol Pot and overthrew the Cambodian government in 1975

50 Konrad Adenauer

51 West Germany’s chancellor from 1949 to 1963 who guided the rebuilding of cities, factories, and trade

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