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1.882 million total persons Most of Northeast States combined would fit in Nebraska geographically 0ver 600,000 persons live in 2 nd District (Omaha area)

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2 1.882 million total persons Most of Northeast States combined would fit in Nebraska geographically 0ver 600,000 persons live in 2 nd District (Omaha area) Over 600,000 live in 1 st District (Lincoln and Southeast Area) 600,000 in remainder

3  Nebraska’s annual allocation approx. $10 million/year  (of total allocation $2 million/year for owner occupied rehabilitation)  2010-2014 $9.95 million 320 units  Additional resources may be used for housing in Comprehensive Revitalization category

4  Primarily owner occupied rehabilitation  Also completes housing activities within Comprehensive Development programs (includes down payment assistance, owner occupied rehab, and rental rehabilitation)

5  Eligible Applicants Nebraska incorporated municipalities (i.e. City or Village Only). Joint applications and County-wide applications are not eligible within the CDBG OOR Cycle (separate application cycle).  Eligible Activities Rehabilitation (including rehabilitation which promotes energy efficiency) of residential owner-occupied homes; Special projects directed to the removal of material and architectural barriers, which restrict the mobility and accessibility of elderly and handicapped persons; Payment of reasonable administrative costs related to implementing the program; and Activities eligible for assistance under these guidelines are authorized in Section 105(a) of the amended 1974 HCD Act for CDBG Program.

6  Activities must meet the CDBG National Objective of benefiting low-to-moderate income persons (LMI).  CDBG OOR Housing projects have to serve ≤80% AMI.  The maximum grant amount for OOR activities will be $500,000 (awarded to units of local government)  OOR activities require a 10% match. Match can include in- kind source contributions and cash contributions.  Allow 10% of request for General Administration  Allow 10% of request for Housing Management  (these categories do not require match)

7  Requires CDBG Certified Administrator for each project (through training and testing on Nebraska’s interpretation on policies and regulations). Certified Administrator generally performs the general administration work for the project and housing management. Entities (including economic development districts, engineering firms, non-profit entities) contract with the Cities to complete General Admin & Housing Management services.

8  Persons at 80% AMI or less apply for OOR resources through the City. Certified Administrator completes the eligibility screening for applicants (ensuring LMI & ensuring clear title to property)  Homeowners enter into an agreement with the City.  Up to $25,000 grant (or sometimes loan) for the OOR work.  Lien placed on the property.  If repayment required, terms are 0% interest & payable at home sale.  5 year affordability period placed on agreement. Homeowner must live in home for 5 years. [State imposed restriction]

9  Homes initially inspected for feasibility (need less than $25,000 in rehab work)  Lead based paint inspections are completed & required as part of the program.  Once scope of work is determined, home owners or grant administrator obtain contractors for the work.  After work completed, final inspections and contractors are paid.

10 Before After

11 Before After

12  Comprehensive Development (CD) includes improvements to infrastructure needs in LMI neighborhoods (51% LMI or lower) and may also include housing (OOR or rental rehab).  Downtown redevelopment also may be included. May include rental rehab activities.

13 LMI neighborhood selected property for rental rehab Before After

14  Downtown District selected property for rental rehab  Tenants were required to be LMI (80% of the AMI) Before After

15 $3,000,000 annual allocation  75% of funds use for tax credit development  25% for CHDO programs  2006-2014 $20.54 million resources  822 units developed

16  Utilize joint HOME/NIFA application with the Nebraska Investment Finance Authority (NIFA)  Single application to fund tax credit projects that may also utilize HOME funds  Single application creates improved efficiency  HOME funds used for gap financing.  Funds 0% interest loan, forgivable at end of 20 year affordability period.

17  Review applications with joint scoring team.  Final application ranking allows for top projects to be awarded.  HOME funds awarded to those top ranked projects that requested HOME funds.  HOME funds can be combined with Entitlement Community CDBG resources

18  HOME CHDO Program-primarily funds acquisition, rehabilitation, resale program.  Average home purchased for $80,000  Rehabilitated for under $25,000 per home (including lead based paint testing)  Sold to household meeting 80% of AMI (Nebraska Median Income $52,000) (80% of AMI= $41,600)  Includes down payment assistance (approx. $20,000 per unit)



21 Brian Gaskill, Deputy Director Housing & Community Development Division State of Nebraska Department of Economic Development (402) 471-2280

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