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Formatting Presentations Guidelines for Effective Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Formatting Presentations Guidelines for Effective Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formatting Presentations Guidelines for Effective Design

2 Outline 1.Overview of formatting 2.Common mistakes to avoid 3.Tips

3 1. Overview CC0 Public Domain

4 Why does formatting matter? Readability Varying levels of English proficiency Maximum impact, efficiency

5 Preparing to Format Analyze your audience Determine the level of their technical background Determine their level of English Anticipate what your audience wants to know Consider what they will do with the information Plan for possible questions, prepare answers

6 Analyze your audience. Determine the level of their technical background Determine their level of English Anticipate what your audience wants to know Consider what they will do with the information Plan for possible questions, prepare answers

7 Ask the Organization How long should it be? Q & A time? Computer compatibility?

8 2. Common Mistakes Image source: HobviasSudoneighm

9 Writing Everything on the Slide Some people just feel better when they write every single word on the slide. It makes it easier to remember what they want to say. Unfortunately, this does not give the listeners a good feeling. Why should I listen to this person reading to me if I can read by myself? Besides, what is he or she saying, anyway? I’m busy reading the slide. Or maybe this is going to be so long that the listeners even decide that this is just too boring to deal with…

10 Forgetting to KISS Keep it short and simple/succinct Rule of 6 – Limit each bullet to 6 words – Limit bullets per slide to 6 Remove extra, unnecessary words Use reduced grammar

11 Overusing Media Less is more Visuals should not replace the presenter Crowded or “busy” slides distract Audience attention should not multitask

12 Overdoing Fonts and Colors If you use a small font, your audience won’t be able to read what you have written CAPITALIZE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. IT LOOKS LIKE YOU ARE SCREAMING!!!!! Don’t use a complicated font Don’t use font color that does not contrast with the background color Using a different color for each point is unnecessary Tryingto becreative canalsobeunprofessional

13 Using Too Many Images

14 Applying a Distracting Background

15 3. Tips Image source: Light_bulb_icon_tips.svg.png&imgrefurl= 3M&hl=en&ei=TCGeVZ-VHdGSuASh97LADA&tbm=isch&ved=0CBwQMygAMAA

16 Use Graphs Wisely Always title your graphs Avoid unnecessary gridlines Use clear labels Use color/shading carefully

17 Example of a Hard-to-Read Graph

18 Example of Better Graph Source: Lao PDR Environment Monitor books, 2005

19 Keep Wording Simple Don’t confound and unnerve your audience Listeners’ attention span will wither Risk of mispronouncing unfamiliar words Avoid idioms May not be understood by audience

20 Check Your Spelling Theses mistakes can be very distracting. These mistakes make a bad impreshun. Solutions Use PPT Spell Check Write your text in Word, check, and copy/paste to PPT Ask native speaker to proofread

21 Use Parallel Grammar Intelligent Transport Systems often include – Secure logins – Need expert staff – To budget a large amount of money Parallel Intelligent Transport Systems often include – Secure logins – Expert staff – A large budget Not Parallel

22 Check Slides in the Presentation Room Test slide background themes for contrast Test with lights on and off Test colors with window curtains open and closed

23 Bring Back-up Save your PPT on your USB Print four slides to a page and photocopies Handouts can stand alone if needed

24 Overall: Set a Professional Tone with Formatting Avoid frivolous or juvenile images Model the formatting of respected professionals Convey quality with mature design

25 Reference Rutherford, A. J. (2001). Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Delhi, India. Pearson Education Asia.

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