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Reptile species Identification. 4 principal groups  Lizards and snakes  Crocodilians  turtles.

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Presentation on theme: "Reptile species Identification. 4 principal groups  Lizards and snakes  Crocodilians  turtles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reptile species Identification

2 4 principal groups  Lizards and snakes  Crocodilians  turtles

3 Reptiles vs. amphibians  Reptiles have dry, scaly skin (resist desiccation)  Lay their eggs on land  Efficient circulatory (4 chambered heart)  Lungs are better developed (skeletal intact)  Nervous system more advanced

4 Good swimmers  Take to or live in water  Fold their legs instead of using them to paddle-propels using tail

5 2 categories of reptiles  Carnivores and omnivores  Crocodilians and snakes are carnivores, while turtles are omnivores

6 thermoregulation  Hibernation

7 Turtle species  Protective shell  Lack teeth-have a sharp break  Most are herbivorous, but some such as snapping turtles are carnivorous  Some eat insects, mollusk, worms, and raw meat

8 Common snapping turtle


10 stinkpot

11 Three-toed box turtle

12 Texas map turtle

13 Red-eared turtle

14 Southern painted

15 Chicken turtle

16 Atlantic ridley

17 Gulf coast spiny softshell

18 crocodilians  Alligators and crocs

19 American crocodile

20 American alligator

21 Spectacled caiman

22 Texas banded gecko

23 Green anole

24 Collared lizard

25 Tx earless lizard

26 Crevice spiny lizard

27 Desert side-blotched lizard

28 Texas horned lizard

29 Six-lined racerunner

30 Great plains skink

31 Slender glass lizard

32 Snake species  Find your example

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