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Mesopotamia The land Between the Rivers Chapter 3 World History.

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1 Mesopotamia The land Between the Rivers Chapter 3 World History


3 Questions Chapter 3 section 1 Crops grow well in Mesopotamia because of ……… Which two land features give Mesopotamia its name? Why did craftsmen develop in Mesopotamia? What is the difference between a canal and a river? When did the first cities develop in Mesopotamia?

4 Mesopotamia “land between 2 rivers ( Tigris River and Euphrates River) lies between the Persian Gulf and Asia Minor –In present Day Iraq –In the Fertile Crescent

5 Fertile Crescent arc of rich farmland from Persian Gulf curves Southwest along the Mediterranean sea into Syria and Palestine rivers flood every year leave silt which is good for farming.


7 Topography Northern – plateau bordered on the East and North by mountains Southern- flat plain River- flooded every year and renewed the soil, which made it good for farming.

8 The first Settlement Around 7000 B.C. Grew Wheat and Barley Population grows and villages Form First Civilizations begins Produce food surplus so division of labor begins government begins- monarchy


10 Problems Too much water due to floods- –Built levies and dikes Too little water – –Irrigation –Dig basins –Dig canals to connect waterways to ditches

11 First Cities 4000-3000 years ago Trade begins

12 Questions section 2 One of the first leaders to have a permanent army was ___________. What did Sargon’s empire have in common with other Mesopotamian city –states ? What purpose did the wall around a city serve ? Who served a role between the Sumerians and the Gods? What class in Sumerian society was made up of farmers and labors? Sumerians used what to make marks on clay tablets? What do you call a city and its surrounding countryside?

13 More Questions What is the term for land with different territories under a single rule? What is the term that refers to the worship of many gods? What would you call a division of society by rank or class?

14 Sumer Location First Civilization Most people farmed Center of the City- urban

15 Sumer- cont. 2000 B.C. city had over 100,000 people City-state- city and the land that surrounded it. Fight over farmland- because each city state wanted to have enough to grow food Build thick walls for protection (Jericho) Large Armies Pillars marked their boundaries – if you knocked them over war would start.

16 Akkadian Empire North of Sumer 2300 B.C. King Sargon Capital city – Kakas ( near Baghdad) Permanent Army – conquered Sumer then N. Mesopotamia First Empire from Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea

17 Ur Sumerian City State conquered Mesopotamia

18 Religion Religion very important in their daily life Polytheistic- believed in many Gods. Priests served as the link between the Sumerians and the gods. Each city-state had a protector god, believe gods brought both good and bad things, believe king was chosen by gods Women could be important religious leaders

19 Sumerian gods Enlil- god of air Ea- god of water Enki- god of wisdom Ianna- goddess of love and war Shamash- sun god

20 Society divided into classes Upper- king and priests- most power and wealth Middle- craftworkers, merchants, traders, scribes Lower- farmers and laborers Lowest- slaves ( prisoners of war, punishment for crime, payment of debt) not for l

21 Roles Men- political power, educated Women- care of home/children, some upper class were educated, own property, priestesses, scribes, and doctors

22 Questions section 3 chapter 3 What is the most likely reason ziggurats were tall ? What was a purpose of cylinder walls ? The city state of ____ rose to power after the death of Sargon I. What is the name for the worlds first system of writing ? What do you call picture symbols used for written communication ?

23 Continued Questions What is the name for long poems that tell the story of a hero ? What term refers to the science of building ? What is the name for a pyramid shaped temple tower ?

24 City State A city State is a city that acts as its own country. Each City – state had a protector God, they believed that gods brought both good and bad things They believed that the king was chosen by the gods.

25 Accomplishments of the Sumerians Writing – Cuneiform – wedged shaped writing –first system of writing, wrote with stylus on clay tablets –Wedge-shaped symbols represent syllables and words –Scribes- writers, kept records, Gilgamesh –Pictographs- picture symbols Epic poetry – long poems that told a story

26 Accomplishments of the Sumerians Technical –wheel and later carts and wagons, potter’s wheel –Plow- increased food production –Clock- falling water measured time –Sewers under city street –Bronze tools and weapons –Makeup –Iku- acre –Quart –Cargo boats with sails

27 Accomplishments- cont. Developed a math system based on 60 (like our clock) –Divide circle in 360 –Year with 12 months –Area of rectangle and triangle Architecture – the study of building –Upper class had 2 story houses made of mud brick –Ziggurats- 7 story with shrine on top

28 Accomplishments-cont. Science –record names of plants –Medicine Art –Fine pottery –Jewelry –Cylinder seals to mark ownership –Musical instruments- lyre, drum, pipe, tambourine

29 Questions chapter 3 section 4 Hamaurabbi became Babylon’s most powerful ruler in 1792 B.C. How long ago was that? Who was the first group to rule after Hamaurabbi ? Which ancient people grew more powerful due to trade not war ?

30 Babylonians 2000BC – Ur destroyed 1800BC Babylon rises to power-monarchy 1792BC Hammurabi is king –Conquer Mesopotamia –Improves tax system –Promote trade –Law code –The greatest Babylonian ruler –Power declined after Hammurabi’s death

31 Hamaurbi’s code Legal system 282 laws - explained laws and set standard punishments within social classes First written legal code

32 Hittites live in Asia Minor, modern-day Turkey Invade Mesopotamia Mastered Iron working Chariot –a wheeled horse drawn cart Capture Babylon 1595 BC Kassities defeat Hittites

33 Assyrians Conquered Mesopotamia, were conquered, 300yr later- conquered Mesopotamia again. Strong army, used iron weapons and chariots, well organized Nineveh- capital city Heavy taxes- punish those who resist

34 Chaldeans 612 BC destroy Nineveh King Nebuchadnezzar Rebuilt Babylon Built hanging gardens of Babylon Used Sumerian language, religion Babylon became center for astronomy

35 Phoenicians present-day Lebanon Wealthy trading nation Cedar trees main resource Tyre- harbor city Traveled all over Med. Sea Begin colonies- Carthage Trade lumber, silverwork, ivory, slaves Begin glassblowing Dyed cloth purple using shellfish Create alphabet- use letters to represent sounds.- because of trade, it spread quickly

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